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It's Too Bad the Weimar Republic Never Had the Equivalent of Our 14th Amendment to Enforce. Would Have Saved the World a Lot of Trouble.

whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
Well, I dont know about that. The armistice agreement at the end of WW1 was so hard on the germans that it bankrupted the nation, making it easy pickings for any budding dictator. In fact, Hilter moved into an already existing organisation and took it over after deposing its leader. Not unlike a certain other person and the Republican party..But the conditions for distrust were pre existing...馃樂
beckyromero36-40, F

I added edits you may not have seen. 馃檪
beckyromero36-40, F

Remember, no "rebuilding" of Germany was necessary after World War I. The war in the West was mostly fought on French soil. It was the French civilian population that suffered from destroyed towns and occupation, not the Germans.
whowasthatmaskedman70-79, M
@beckyromero I was refering to WW2 for any rebuilding. The WW1 was purely Punitive..
The Nazis never actually won an election. They were given positions in the Weimar government as a way to control them, but they ended up taking over.

That's what happens when democracy is abandoned in favor of fake populism.
beckyromero36-40, F

It's also what happens when evil isn't confronted and then vanquished.

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