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Some major flaws have already been pointed out, but the biggest of all is that it only polled attempts. Mail-in ballots were said to be safe because multiple checks happen before they were counted, not because officials didn't think anyone would send any illegally. It's a textbook strawman argument: countering a point that was never made.

This poll, if there's any truth to it in the first place, didn't check if any of those ballots were counted and affected the results. That alone makes it an absolute nonsense and meaningless investigation.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@NerdyPotato I didn’t even think of that, like obviously there’s trying to commit voter fraud and then doing it successfully
@Zeuro a lot of people have posted things I didn't think of yet too. That just goes to show how much there is wrong with it.

Zeuro · 26-30, F
anyone with 2 braincells to rub together is able to see how outrageously flawed this “poll” is.

But let me break it down for those of you who are struggling.

First, the credibility of the two organizations in charge of this poll is questionable at best.
The Heartland Institute is a conservative think tank that denies both climate change and the negative health effects of smoking.
Rasmussen is maybe a little bit better, but they are know for their excessive polling errors, for example in 2018 when they polled the national generic ballot and were 10% points off, the largest polling error of any major polling firm in that category. Overall Rasmussen has been shown to have a 1.5 point bias in favor of republicans, according to to FiveThirtyEight.

But let’s move on from the questionable credibility of the conductors of this poll and look at the results itself.

So what’s the sample size? 1,085 “likely US voters”. A bit small if you ask me but okay.

So 17% of mail in voters say they voted in a state where they’re no longer a permanent resident. That’s pretty odd, considering about 3/5 of Americans have never moved out of the state they were born in. So literally half of the rest were supposed to believe committed election fraud?

So 1/4 of republicans interviewed said they voted by absentee ballot. The % of republicans admitting to fraud was roughly the same as the democrats. So supposedly a lot of this illegal voting was for Trump. Even so, according to Rasmussen only ~80% of republicans voted for Trump, much lower than Pew’s heavily fact checked assessment.

So supposedly both dems and repubs committed voter fraud at equal rates. Doesn’t really give evidence that Trump got more votes now does it.

Also, 8% of absentee voters say they were offered money for their votes? Don’t you think if millions of people were actually monetarily bribed for their votes there’d be some kind of, idk, evidence? A paper trail? Saved emails? Recorded conversations? Screenshots. And I don’t mean a few random, unverifiable pieces of “evidence,” 8% of voters is literally millions of people, so the evidence would have to be overwhelming.

I might be able to think of other reasons this poll is bullshit, but I’m tire of typing so I’ll leave it at that for now.

Feel free to fact check me using verified, credible sources.
Slade · 56-60, M
@Zeuro you gave the gall to question the source's validity while you consider MSNBC infallible

Got Earth shattering news for you NOBODY is infallible (not Bidet, O'zulu, Hillary or even Stalin) except God Almighty. Who has a very hot place for all your heroes to end up🔥🔥🔥
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JPWhoo · 36-40, MVIP
“17% of mail-in voters admit that in 2020 they voted in a state where they are ‘no longer a permanent resident’” - not illegal. That’s like saying in 2020 I lived in Missouri, I voted by mail-in ballot in Missouri in 2020, and then earlier this year (2023) I moved to another state. That’s all that’s saying, nothing illegal about it.

“8% of likely voters say they were offered ‘pay’ or a ‘reward’ for voting in 2020” - First of all what is a “likely voter” in 2020? Either you voted or you didn’t. Secondly, they were offered pay or a reward by whom? If I offer my neighbor $5 to vote for Biden, pretty sure that’s not illegal. Since ballots are secret my neighbor could go vote for any candidate they wanted to then come back and tell me they voted for Biden and claim the $5. Furthermore, how could you prove that that happened unless I tried to force my neighbor to sign an official contract saying they’d vote for Biden?

And that’s just taking this report at face value, which is being too generous.
@JPWhoo it's also curious how the 21% who "filled out a ballot for a friend or family member" doesn't specify "without permission" like the next category. I doubt helping someone fill in their ballot is illegal.

And the 8% that claims to have been paid says it was just for voting, not to vote for a specific candidate. That makes it even more questionable whether that's illegal.
Northwest · M
The results of this survey are nothing short of stunning

Exactly. 60+ lawsuits, including Supreme Court, later, Fox admitting it lied and paying $750M for it, Giuaiani and gang on trial for fabricating stuff, and people like you are still peddling the same bullshit, with help from carefully crafted polls.

!! I just proved Trump has done something illegal !!

The majority in this poll say Trump did something illegal! And what people say in a poll constitutes proof in today's right-wing echo chamber, LOL!!!

These multiple polls prove Biden won fair and square!!
The majority in all these polls say Biden won fair and square! And what people say in a poll constitutes proof in today's right-wing echo chamber, LOL!!!

Proof that Trump is a lousy leader!!
The majority in this poll say Trump doesn't have good leadership skills. And what people say in a poll constitutes proof in today's right-wing echo chamber, LOL!!!

This poll proves there's no evidence of election fraud, LOL!!!

Oh, wait, has the right-wing is suddenly returned to saying polls don't prove anything????
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@ElwoodBlues this is gold
@Zeuro After you did such a find job of debunking the whole thing, I merely provided an amusing set of comparison polls😂
@ElwoodBlues and the OP has been suspiciously quiet on all the rebuttal. 🤔
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Rasmussen is not and never has been a credible organization, and their polls are untrustworthy. Come back when you have real evidence of voter fraud.
@windinhishair I question and deny all polls they mean nothing in bygone modern world. (I just made that term up meaning we are one phase past post modernism... Bygone modernism, I think it is fitting for our times)
This isn't a game- you can't just say an election was rigged and then stop. Where is your evidence as I'm yet to see any?

Democracy is core to the West, don't threaten it because you didn't get the result you wanted.

I think sometimes there is a competition of the right on here to see who can be the most right wing edgelord- saying phrases like "War Criminal Zelensky" etc.
Slade · 56-60, M
@BritishFailedAesthetic the proof is in the results - 20+% of mailed in voters admitted they did fraud
ididntknow · 51-55, M
And still the liberals won’t believe it,
Zeuro · 26-30, F
@ididntknow because this poll is just an inch short of complete horseshit.
justanothername · 51-55, M
100% of Republicans believe anything Cry baby Trump spouts which means if he keeps telling his followers that the 2020 elections were rigged they will naturally believe him 💯
Slade · 56-60, M
@Wiseacre 🙄
Slade · 56-60, M
justanothername · 51-55, M
@Slade I rest my case.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
So take it to court… you can one up rudie and sidney powell
TexChik · F
Of course that means nothing to a lib.
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Virgo79 · 61-69, M
To late now, america is paying the price.
Zonuss · 41-45, M
Still no proof.
And even if it is how do you know that Donald Trump didn't buy the election when he won.
Please get to the back of the line sir. 😊
cycleman · 61-69, M
Americans are frauds then. That is their way to portrait life all around them now. So Sad!!!
Integrity is gone!!!
Baremine · 70-79, C
Fix election
@Baremine The ONLY way to fix the elections is to go back to analog systems, and that the only mail ins are verifiable absentee ballots from the disabled, overseas military, and college students away from home, which MUST be received by voting day, as well as banning early voting.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
They all are
When is everyone going to learn that the establishment is doing everything to gaslight and lie, and too many brainwashed dems and lefties believe them and will parrot everything they claim.

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