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Give right to vote for child.

Hello. I propose to abolish age divisions until children are given the right to vote. Why is a stupid adult given the right to vote, but a smart child is not? The right to vote is open to everyone, regardless of intelligence, maturity or education. Thus, even a child, whether he is the stupidest or the smartest on the planet, should have the right to vote. However, the right to vote is taken away from dangerous or mentally retarded persons (probably so that they do not harm society or disturb everyone with their stupidity), okay, but why can’t a smart or brilliant child vote? He is smarter, more mature than any person on the planet.
Let me explain, age is not a factor in intelligence. Imagine vacuum cleaner A and vacuum cleaner B."

Let me explain, age is not a factor in intelligence. Let's imagine vacuum cleaner A and vacuum cleaner B. Both are equally effective, but A sucks up more dirt. Why? Because A is used longer than B.

Garbage represents knowledge. Vacuuming is about analysis and learning, hence intelligence.

Children are equal to adults, but, as a rule, adults have more knowledge. But that doesn't stop a child and a vacuum cleaner from finding something that an older adult doesn't know.
Experience also does not depend on age. For example, in chess both have average abilities, but the child beat the adult. A less experienced person will never defeat a more experienced one. Now about the geniuses. Genius represents evolution. He should become more intelligent with time, and this is the highest achievement... but the child has surpassed him.
I propose a system in which the right to vote and the right to control will be granted only when a person is ready for it, through a test. It’s like in school, one person goes to school at 4 years old, another at 6 or 8 years old...

Sorry. I am french girl student in University of philosophy.
My English IS Bad.

I propose a psychological game for every peuple. Every .
If a child or adulte have good résultat he Can give a live in Gouvernement.
For exemple
Henry III king Castille
Christine King( Queen ) Suede. 12 years hold she know about political and have equal correspondance with intellectuel people.
My Instagram are @labattatiana
I post more post and I love intellectual conversation and chess.
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hippyjoe1955 · 70-79, M
I agree. My six kids all under the age of 14 should be able to outvote the childless couple across the street. The kids have no idea who to vote for so I can tell them. They are good kids they know that I buy their food.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@hippyjoe1955 maybe your child understand politique better than some adult. But you just think your child Can t understand...
You 1. Don t know inner World your children ( because introverti . He think " my mother believe I am inferior in intelligence than her".
2. You know but just disagree with his. It IS subjective opinion.
Stephanidunord · 18-21, F
Super intéressant
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@Stephanidunord yes.
Quel âge vous êtes ? J ai 21 ans.
( i have 21 yers ols. I study in University of philosophy Bordeaux Montaigne).
Stephanidunord · 18-21, F
@LegendarySpark j’ai 18 ans je suis au lycée ( international school IB program )
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@Stephanidunord l annee prochaine vous irez a l universite?
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I think this very question proves the point
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@Picklebobble2 I propose just with argumentation.
For gouvernement is to need a
Understand every human ( psychology)
And analyse ( create strategy).
It is not experience for age because it IS possible for child to become equal adulte, sometimes to depass adulte ( in drawing, chess, mathematic, maturity for example) only if child work a lot. But IS possible to become " experimental" in 10 years old ( in général it IS After 18 years old). Exemple A War. ( it IS horrible but child in Russia achieve a diplôme for save your patrit). Or in Japan. More child can walk in the streat and give a tranways ( space orientation).
( I am not child. I am 21 years old student).
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@LegendarySpark I understand what you're saying (those with the intelligence should be able to vote if they understand the issue)
But unfortunately I think political parties would exploit this for their own gain and may even create a parents Vs children culture within the family home that could lead to problems in relationships not yet understood or known
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@Picklebobble2 it IS possible if child or adult know what this politic are manipulator?( If you understand that it IS manipulation you Can don t bee manipulate). ( but IS possible if you have psychology similar that Anakyn Skywalker, yes. ).
For me, I am for Respect, love, and defenitivily abbolished Death punition.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@NativePortlander1970 And yet, there are times when people with enormous ambitions fail to achieve them or face problems. Why?

Mental blocks. Using the example of Raskolnikov and his internal conflict: if he hadn't killed the old woman, hallucinations wouldn't have arisen in his mind (and they were a torment because in the hallucinations, the police were tormenting the landlady, and these visions wouldn't have occurred otherwise). Blocks can also arise from mental limitations.Laziness, apathy. All psychological factors that are already well-known to us. Why does a person love themselves but doesn't reach their goal? Let's say we live in a world of magic. Antonia wishes to become a fairy. She's a human. She believes that anyone can become a fairy and thinks she is capable of becoming one. But alas, she is not a mermaid, just a human. Mermaids are powerful, majestic. Humans are insignificant. Moreover, the color blue brings bad luck. And they live on blue land. So do the mermaids. Other mermaids live on red land. Therefore, the most successful mermaids will be the ones living on red land, not blue. A human has no chance because they can't make their way into the red land. This is a primitive example. But such things, which we may not fully realize or only partially understand, influence us. You can believe in yourself, but still fail due to traps in the mind (contradictions within oneself or internal conflicts).The best way is to constantly work and improve. Sooner or later, anyone can become a genius, and it doesn't matter if you're lagging behind others in development. You can catch up with and surpass them, just like Forrest Gump.

Yes, at the end of the movie, Forrest Gump is not mentally challenged because he realized and understood things that other people might not grasp:

Saving a comrade's life. During the war, he saved his comrade's life. I don't remember if the comrade died. This is from a moral perspective.

He assembled a gun for the war faster than anyone else, without having any instructions. This is impossible because anyone with average intelligence will always outperform someone who is mentally challenged. Always.

The meaning of a person's life: whether we have willpower. He independently analyzed and provided an answer.

It's hard to notice, but it seems he... understood that the son is Forrest. A syllogism.

You might argue that he's mentally challenged because he can't navigate in space, but in university, many students still don't understand how a coffee machine works, how to turn it on. You see? They stand there and don't fully understand it. No, this isn't a sign of low intelligence, just like Forrest Gump asking for help with spatial orientation.

People didn't believe in him. Average minds said he wouldn't achieve anything. Nothing. But they were wrong. Isn't that a mistake of reason?

I believe that the speed of thought is just a skill (mechanism + memory). It's about doing the same things but constantly increasing the speed. Intelligence is about skills.

LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@NativePortlander1970 it is my thinh. I think that never reed a book or listen a teacher.
LegendarySpark · 22-25, F
@NativePortlander1970 I was create a new post.

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