The average MAGA republican of this site has left the mainstream conservatism behind. I’m in no doubt that we got several around that sympathize and associate with level 3 and 4. The traditional conservative have given the far right ownership of today’s conservatism.
@CountScrofula They've been excluded and cancelled by the crazies, and some of them have turned into crazies to stay on the right wing in hopes of power. It's always the same with fascism, a lot of people will stay silent, ignore, look at the world with rose-colored glasses, or support and enable the crazies. Then, when it's too late they'll wonder how it all turned into a regime with a dictatorship.
New York Times Finally Acknowledges Nazis Fighting For Ukraine – Then Attempts to Justify With Their “Complicated History"
Something is shifting in Ukraine.
Last week, Reuters published an article about a case in which the European Court of Human Rights ordered Ukraine to pay damages to “a gay couple after multiple unsuccessful attempts to register their marriage in the country.” Gays cannot be married in Ukraine.
But as the country becomes more and more dependent on US tax dollars to fight the Russians, polling in Ukraine conveniently shows a shift in sentiment favoring gay marriage, beginning only after the Russian invasion, of course. Now, 56% of Ukrainians support it while only 24% oppose it. Despite the shift in polling, however, Zelensky claims he cannot alter their constitution during wartime.
The timing of this article is peculiar: June 1st kicks off “Pride Month” in the United States. And what better way to point out the hypocrisy amongst American politicians who have sent billions in funding to support the anti-gay marriage nation while celebrities adorn their profiles with a Pride symbol next to the Ukrainian flag to make sure we know where they stand! Smack dab in a pit of irony.
In addition to the human rights issue highlighted above, the New York Times has now acknowledged a problem in the former Eastern Bloc nation: Nazis. No, not the Mockingbird Media’s hilariously inaccurate portrayal of “MAGA extremists” and Trump supporters as Nazis.
But rather real Nazis.
Something The Gateway Pundit has been reporting on consistently since the war began.
The NY Times article begins by acknowledging that the Ukrainian government and NATO had previously posted several photos exposing the Nazi symbols adorning soldier’s uniforms. Of course, they called this a “complicated relationship with Nazi imagery”:
@Namor69 Yeah how dumb are you? 😂 Ukraine is not perfect and whether or not they support gay marriage or not should not depend on them receiving aid to defend themselves against an imperialist aggressor. Gay rights are much much worse in Russia. If the US coerces legislators to finally acknowledge gay people it's at least worth something.
There is a Nazi batallion in Ukraine and I won't mind them dying while fighting a far right nation.
The Gateway pundit itself is a far right medium with awful credibility try again idiot
There is a majority that doesn't give a rat's asz about right left blue church red church spew.
That's why people vote for the guy that's bringing back cheap energy, bringing back jobs, stopping masses of people across the southern border that will cause wages to fall, or want those of us that work to have our taxes used to house and supply free medical care, hinder school systems with massive numbers of non English speaking, don't want to learn English kids that bully second generation Spanish American kids for getting grades and speaking English. That's why people vote for a guy that says China isn't fit to lead the world and that if not for asymmetrical trade that acts as a parasite on the US, it's economy just isn't that good. That just like Russia, if China doesn't find someone wealthy to rob its communist ideals can't possibly work.
That's why people vote for the guy that asks why tuition is sky high when the value of a college degree is not only tanking, the dropouts are building mega businesses while actual privileged ones take seats in jobs that are being propped up by tax money, losing customers and profits by the billions, and every Democrat wants to fight against vouchers and non union schools that need to actually teach kids rather than brainwash them for a ride on the victim express or groom them for self mutilation.
These facts probably annoy you if you have the ability to understand what I'm trying to explain to you. However there's not a single responsible working parent that cares about their children and their children's children that would find much to disagree with here.
So unless the next election is another mail in stuff ballot box scam another just like if not Trump himself is gonna be number 47.
Because America is sick of self adoring, shady perverts that are only there because they're easy to buy and willing to screw over 90% of America.
@BritishFailedAesthetic What ideals? 🤦♀️ Also you should realize that you are being scamed by the right with the typical narrative. What they say about trans and drag people being groomers did Nazis say about jewish people.
@Gloomy No- Nazis had a problem with various ethnicities- for simply being their ethnicity.
I have never said trans people are groomers- I also especially have great respect for trans people like Buck Angel and Blaire White.
I don't touch the issue of drag queens for kids anymore- drag queens are majority white people.
Look I don't get why Matt Walsh was outraged at high school students being taught about Anal Sex or scissoring either- but trans or homosexual issues are not to be taught to primary school aged children.
It is up to parents as to whether to teach young children these issues- my mum told me about homosexuality when I was 5 because two of her best friends are gay.
No- Nazis had a problem with various ethnicities- for simply being their ethnicity.
Nazis also said that Marxists are using media and academia to promote "degeneracy" in the form of gender non-conformity. And this is the conspiracy theory that you've posted about here. You leave out the racial elements, but it's still essentially Nazism.
It's one thing to disagree about when kids should learn about things like LGBT, human sexuality, and such. But to say that the current model is part of a Marxist conspiracy, that's literal Nazi propaganda straight out of a Goebbels speech.
@SmileOnYourBrother Who's angry here? I guess you're the only one here following @Gloomy around to chicane her. I'm standing up to someone, you in this case [if you haven't noticed] that you won't succeed in isolating @Gloomy in your efforts to harass her. I'm sorry you got busted and now feel the need to whine in public about "the VERY angry lefties" like a little kid not getting things their way...
Maybe you noticed that the economy crashes every four to eight years under capitalist free market systems. This traumatizes people repeatedly for reasons we always lie about. The perfect conditions for mass psychosis and individual mental illness.