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Libtards can be shown undeniable truth and still not believe it?

Democrat party is corrupt. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the CIA FBI and the DOJ all planned what happened on January 6.
We've been hearing insurrection for more than 2 years. The sheep swallowed the narrative hook, line and sinker, even after seeing all of the evidence pointing to a dem op. The deep state will continue the lying and the media will continue to repeat those lies. Brainwashing is real.
graphite · 61-69, M
They'll just keep denying it. After 2+ years of cherrypicking a few moments of the incident to push their own narrative, Democrats are now accusing Tucker Carlson of cherrypicking a few moments of the incident to push his own narrative. No Democrat has ever come forward to explain why Ray Epps, a blatant, public instigator of the incident, disappeared from "Wanted" posters, was never charged and was given a sympathetic writeup in the Democrats' NY Times. Because the FBI looked at the poster, said "He's one of ours," and Epps was in the clear. Seems obvious.
It is there plan to make our country 3rd world and one world government...

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