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Matt Walsh - A True American Hero

Matt Walsh, the outstanding Right-Wing Alpha Male like myself is a true American Hero.

When the POS Left-Party comes at him in the comment section of his videos or when he is calling out the Left-Wing, he is at his 100% Game to call these worthless losers out.

These fucking losers verbally attacks him and his newborn twins.

Just because he speaks the truth on that weird political party, the butt bongo players from the group get offended.

Sorry that they cry like a petulant child.
The guy is a domestic terrorist and a right wing extremist. Next you will tell us Tim McVeigh was just misunderstood.
AngryOhioStateAlumnus · 31-35, M

I'm a Right-Wing, Conservative Alpha Male.

Matt Walsh is a Right-Wing, Conservative Alpha Male who is married with 6 kids.

You're just a little Leftist on SW.
@AngryOhioStateAlumnus You are a right wing fuckwad. And it is cute that you fetishize a debunked made up hierarchy.

And usually the guys who feel the need to go around bragging about how manly they are are desperately compensating for something. Sound familiar?
AngryOhioStateAlumnus · 31-35, M

It's cute that a Left-Wing Loser like you fetish about the destruction of The United States. Left-Wing is Terrorist Group.

I'm not wasting my time with a Child abuse enabling POS like you.
He’s a Nazi punk who appeals to other Nazi punks. Same for Dan Bongino. They should just move over to Gab, or Stormfront.
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Love that guy. A little harsh i think but a good man. Also a fan of Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson
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Zonuss · 41-45, M
Oh please. We were done as soon as you started whining. Go play somewhere.🙂

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