The success of humanity as a species is directly linked to our ability to collaborate. In many cultures, competitions are used as the main way to define a person's ability, however most of the time such competitions are not fair, after all, even though we are all parts of the same species, we are not equally capable of performing the same tasks. tasks. Such competitions are also often used as a way to force the working classes to do their best in exchange for having the same comfort as their employers, when in fact workers end up wasting their lives at work without ever improving their social position, while employers see their productions increase because of this collective effort of the workers to achieve wealth. In a Captaincy society, the incentive for productivity should not be forced by these ideas, but by the sense of the collective. Food production, for example, must be subsidized by the Capitanian State with taxes paid by its citizens to ensure greater accessibility of basic foodstuffs to the people. The construction of decent housing, education beyond the minimum for production, public health and the production of basic clothing also have to be financed, if not completely, at least mostly by taxes. This way we can guarantee the minimum conditions for people to have the opportunity to have a really comfortable life. Anything beyond that then must be earned on one's own merit, not that of one's ancestors. In Captaincy society, the family structure is more similar to that of a clan, with the oldest who have already proven their worth at the top, being taken care of by their descendants, who must do their best to provide for their clan. The Capitanium clan also shouldn't be limited to blood ties, in them respect and trust must be earned over time, and if someone wants to break with their clan and start a new one or join another (if accepted) they have to Total freedom for that. The State of Captaincy should not be limited to a territory, culture, religion, ethnicity, identity and any other barrier, those who want to participate are welcome. That said, Captains should always help whoever they can, after all the whole principle of the idea is mutual aid for the good of the species as a whole.