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Hillary was right

It proves that Hillary Clinton was right all along. Nancy Pelosi was right all along; Chuck Schumer was right all along. The Democrats were right all along. Reporting from the New York Times was right all along; Washington Post, too, was 100 percent correct all along. Donald Trump was not under audit. Donald Trump was lying. He was desperate to hide the truth from Americans. That truth, that far from being a shrewd businessman, he was, in fact, the biggest loser out of the 300 million Americans who filed their taxes with the IRS. The man lost more money than any other American, at a time when he was writing The Art of the Deal,
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deadgerbil · 26-30, M
It's crazy how so many impoverished Americans one medical emergency away from financial ruin will bend over backwards defending the dude who pays less in taxes than they do lol
Northwest · M
Donald Trump was lying.

This was NEVER in doubt. Only his simpleton followers believed that (with apologies to simpletons).

I remember, during the run-up to the 2016 elections, Kellyanne Conway, was saying that to Chris Cuomo, and repeating the other lie: he will release his taxes when the audit is over. Chris said "we're never going to see his taxes, are we?". Silence on the other end.
@redredred By what authority are you accusing thousands of hospitals and doctors of forging fake death certificates in violation of the law and in violation of their oaths?
@redredred doctors have to sign death certificates not administrators.

Even then imagine the number of administrators willing to commit fraud risking jail and a criminal record.

That’s the problem with QAnon freaks.

You should be ashamed of yourself .
@redredred and by the way it would also involve all the family members agreeing to a fraudulent death certificate,

The whole conspiracy is so outrageous and all you’re doing is humiliating yourself.
Northwest · M
As an aside, the committee believes his "charitable contributions" , for which he received tax breaks are not legitimate. Both the "cash" donations, and "land" donations. The latter came after he exhausted all efforts to develop the properties, and recouped his investment through donating it, and getting a tax break.
Hillary was right indeed…and a worthy candidate for Presidency.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
@Vivaci Once again, the sociopaths who run this country failed. They'll kneecap a moderate like Bernie Sanders but allow a dangerous ignoramus like trump to become president.
and a worthy candidate for Presidency.

I wouldn't go that far. But she was a better choice than Trump.
spjennifer · 61-69, T
@BohemianBabe Agreed and a stuffed toy monkey would have been a better choice than the orange shitgibbon 🤪
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He admitted it himself during the debate
She called him out on not paying taxes from 2005-2010
He said "it makes me smart"
Mathers · 61-69
Anyone who believes Hillary Clinton must be off their trolley. The Clintons make Trump look like a complete amateur at the game.
@Mathers apparently not since you post links that prove you a liar,

Written by journalists
Mathers · 61-69
Oh for goodness sake. I read enough over here and know that simpletons like you have been taken in. Pathetic! You just believe the left wing. Like the idiots I was at u oversight with @Ryderbike
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Trump was firehosing. He was telling a lie that we all knew was a lie, which he often does.

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