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Germans did it right.

They arrested and jailed those that planned a coup in a Germany.

A lesson for America…..the coup plotters are still at large .
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Mathers · 61-69
Why weren’t the BLM rioters al, jailed? The present VP said she’d defend then even though there was looting and murder!
@Mathers They were. And no, Harris didn't say she'd defend the rioters.

Umbrella Man: Minneapolis police link suspect to white supremacists - https://www.bbc.com/news/wo...
Police: Richmond riots instigated by white supremacists disguised as Black Lives Matter - https://www.wsls.com/news/v...
Authorities suspect white supremacists and far-left extremists are behind violence at protests - https://www.cbsnews.com/vid...
Far-Right Infiltrators and Agitators in George Floyd Protests: Indicators of White Supremacists - https://docs.house.gov/meet...
DHS ID’s White supremacists, not Black Lives Matter or Antifa, as greatest threat - https://www.fayobserver.com...
Antifa, Boogaloo boys, white nationalists: Which extremists showed up to the US Black Lives Matter protests? - https://www.abc.net.au/news...
Who caused the violence at protests? It wasn’t antifa. - https://www.washingtonpost....
George Floyd protests in Pa. being hijacked by white supremacists, state official says - https://www.timesonline.com...
Right-wing provocateurs continue to instigate violence at BLM protests and elsewhere - https://kevinjshay44.medium...
An 'ANTIFA' Twitter account that called for looting 'white hoods' was actually run by white nationalist group Identity Evropa - https://www.businessinsider...
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tindrummer · M
@Mathers How about a reply with valid sources to try to refute Ryder's comment?
Mathers · 61-69
We saw it here and it wasn’t white supremicists who were being violent I can assure you. Why does falsehood from idiots need refuting? @tindrummer
@Mathers ACLED found that the overwhelming majority of the more than 9.000 Black Lives Matter demonstrations that took place across the US after the killing of George Floyd have been peaceful. News reports at the height of demonstrations over Floyd’s killing cited dozens of deaths in connection with protests, but many of those turned out to be examples of deadly crimes carried out in the vicinity of protests, rather than directly related to the demonstrations themselves, the researchers concluded. ACLED’s dataset only focuses on political violence.
tindrummer · M
@Mathers so you've got nothing?
tindrummer · M
@Ryderbike facts and figures? good luck 😐
Mathers · 61-69
Whatever anybody found they were an awful lot of people killed at night and no reckoning. It happened over here so for goodness sake it’s certainly happened over there. It didn’t matter what the politically motivated so-called inquiry said. You are just naive enough to believe what you want to believe and what your cult tells you to believe. Besides how do you know because you live in Canada? I know people who were hemmed in by these people and had properties destroyed. But perhaps they were all deluded and their properties weren’t really destroy@Ryderbike
@Mathers Black Lives Matter is the biggest civil rights movement in American history. Over 9000 peaceful marches.

People like you have never supported civil rights movements. You didn’t back in the 60s so why would I expect any different from you today?
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Mathers · 61-69
Peaceful marches? Shops looted? People killed? You were there of course?@Ryderbike
Mathers · 61-69
@Ryderbike some of us were supporting civil rights before you were born and pkaying W it’s black kids when we were teenagers. You know nothing
@Mathers Bullshit. I don't believe you support civil liberties if you're lying about protests. And I don't care that you have black friends, so don't bother. You can be a Fascist and have black friends.
Mathers · 61-69
Of course you don’t believe as your left wing cult tells you otherwise. Some of us who have travelled the world and met lots of people think differently @BohemianBabe
@Mathers You sidestepped my point because you know I'm right.
I don't agree with BLM, but I support their right to protest. You don't, because you're against civil liberties. And saying I'm in a cult is obvious projection.
Mathers · 61-69
You also agree with the fact that the BLM leaders have bought themselves real estate worth millions? @BohemianBabe
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pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@BohemianBabe @BohemianBabe BLM should be allowed to protest. I don't think they should be allowed to riot and loot.

Shame on the media outlets who reported that it was all 'peaceful protests', one said reporter standing in front of a large building engulfed in flames as he reported it was peaceful. And playing the word game of saying it was 'mostly peaceful' isnt right it insinuates there was only a bit of damages which was not the case.

Shame on people here who have literally said BLM didn't do anything whatsoever. Im not exaggerating some people live in narratives and deny good chunks of reality on a when it's convenient.

I'm also not sure why higher ups in the BLM movement were spending funds on mansions.
@pianoplayingsteve The vast majority of the BLM protests were peaceful.

I haven't seen a single person say there was NO rioting. If they did, then they're wrong. What I really care about is people with influence condemning the riots, like the Democrats did. Meanwhile, the Republicans are still downplaying 1/6 because they're literal Fascists.
pianoplayingsteve · 31-35, M
@BohemianBabe no, the vast majority of them were destructive, I’m not going to play a game of being told the exact opposite of what my eyes see is not true. I’ve seen all the destroyed buildings and businesses, the people injured etc and that takes more than just a little minority. I personally know an Asian lady who had to move residences because of how awful the rioting was near her. And that wasn’t even the US rioting, they were a small UK division. If that’s what it was like in the UK with the mini protests then it must have been the hell I saw it to be in the US

I have seen them, on here even. It was in the context of ‘Trump supporters did the insurrection but BLM did nothing ever’. People really do just pick a side and then see reality in terms up narratives built on top of narratives which are convenient for their team on any given day.

As for democrats condemning the violence, I’ve seen numerous people on the left defend violence. Cortez saying that protests are ‘meant to make you feel uncomfortable’, Anne Marie Waters (think her name is) talking about finding people in shopping malls and making a fuss, not to mention actors like the guy from meet the fockers saying he wants to punch trump, and the guy from stranger things saying similar.I’ve seen a BLM leader shout ‘let’s put the police in a f*cking grave…let’s burn the white house down’. I also by chance was logged into YouTube the moment the Antifa guy uploaded him and a friend shout ‘we got another trumper here!’ And go out to shoot him dead. It was clear as day on the video. YouTube then scrubbed it and allowed only another video in which it wasn’t clear what happened.

I’m also confused as to the fact that around the same time George floyd was killed, several white people were also killed after the police put their knee on their necks, yet no coverage of that?

I’m also confused as to why the odd time some of my most left leaning friends have really gone overboard trying to stretch the truth and I’ve taken the bait and corrected them, they either stop responding or call me names. Why is it so hard to go ‘ah, as a rational person who just wants to know what’s true, I’m actually thankful you pointed that out to me’. Infact it’s happened once actually in a private DM. I bring up Jordan Peterson and he immediately calls him a pseudo intellectual. I tell him of Peterson’s credentials and he does thank me for telling him this and suggests that perhaps he was in a bit of an echo chamber. I then tell him he may be a little informed about a second person and nope that’s it. I’ve learnt people can take one little bit of their beliefs being challenged, as something they chuckle off, a bit like when you might joke about something illogical in your favourite videogame even though it’s still your favourite, but then once you go for that second part, then I think something snaps in their brain and they have an uneasy feeling of the neat little package they’ve condensed the world into to pretend it’s not infinitely complex, is starting to crumble.

Bohemian, we have DM’ed you and I know your know your stuff so I will pay you the compliment of knowing that Republicans are not *literal* fascists . Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy. Whilst sure the American right shares some of those values, the American left supports some of the other values. Plenty of National socialism shares similarities with communism too. One can find points of comparison with one governmental system to every other system and so to call one group another group is meaningless. Specially the worn out ‘fascist’ label. Every time anyone ever suggests society should do something, everyone that disagrees with it calls them ‘fascistic’. Whether it’s right or left. ‘Authoritarian’ works better, but again I’d use the word sparingly. I’d rather make an argument than throw mud.
no, the vast majority of them were destructive, I’m not going to play a game of being told the exact opposite of what my eyes see is not true

That's the problem. The media spent way more time covering the riots, including covering the same riots over and over. This is why people who just went with their eyes thought that most of the protests were violent. If there are 100 protests and out of that, 10 are violent, the media can make you think they were all violent by only showing the 10.

As for democrats condemning the violence, I’ve seen numerous people on the left defend violence. Cortez saying that protests are ‘meant to make you feel uncomfortable’, Anne Marie Waters (think her name is) talking about finding people in shopping malls and making a fuss,

AOC is right. Protests should make you feel uncomfortable. Protests mean that there's a problem in society that is going unaddressed. Even the 1/6 riot, as stupid as it was, was a result of real problems such as covid, the recession that Trump caused, and social media signal boosting the Right.

And saying protests should make you feel uncomfortable, or that people should make a fuss, is not defending violence.

I’m also confused as to the fact that around the same time George floyd was killed, several white people were also killed after the police put their knee on their necks, yet no coverage of that?

The media is anti-white. This includes right-wing media, which tries to play both sides when it comes to racism.

Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultra-nationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation and race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy.

The Republicans have tried to achieve literally all of this. Just because they haven't succeeded, doesn't mean they're not Fascists. Trump literally tried to end our Democracy so he can remain president and the entire GOP either went along with him or, at the very least, they continued supporting him afterwards. The Republicans also used the Big Lie to create voter-suppression laws all over the country. This is an anti-democracy party and a cult of personality with Trump as the wannabe-dictator.
@Mathers ACLED found that the overwhelming majority of the more than 9.000 Black Lives Matter demonstrations that took place across the US after the killing of George Floyd have been peaceful. News reports at the height of demonstrations over Floyd’s killing cited dozens of deaths in connection with protests, but many of those turned out to be examples of deadly crimes carried out in the vicinity of protests, rather than directly related to the demonstrations themselves, the researchers concluded. ACLED’s dataset only focuses on political violence.
Mathers · 61-69
Black peopke were killed and black businesses destroyed in the rioting. Fact! If you want to believe the propaganda you can@Ryderbike
@Mathers I believe the official report by ACLED.

Not the birther, pizza gate freaks.

We clear?