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Paul Pelosi "Attacker," David Depape's Right-wing Websites Were Created On Friday

and then deleted on Saturday.
Created: 10/28/2022
Deleted: 10/29/2022
LOL. The people who fabricated this story and the website are stupid. The fake news that ran with this story is beyond stupid. I wanna say, you can't make this up. But they totally made this up. Can you smell Pelosi's desperation as she is losing her grip on the House? I mean beyond her typical leftist stench?


If only they had looked at The Wayback Machine

Tminus6453 · M
Yeah at this point most of us know most everything that comes out of the MSM is fabricated propaganda
TexChik · F
The Biden administration is blaming Trump supporters for the attack, apparently unaware that the perpetrator of the attack was a frequent guest and lover of Paul Pelosi. Now that their little lover's spat has gone viral, it will be interesting to see the BS the left spins up to twist the story into a win for the left.
@TexChik Indeed. The qanon right wing bs narrative has holes big enough to drive a truck through. Oh...and the NY Post let it slip that Paul Pelosi died from his injuries. Did he really? Premature release? LOL. What a cluster**k.
robb65 · 56-60, M
@TexChik I heard a rumor that there was actually a third man at the house at the time of the attack. I don't know, it could have been someone misread a badly written news story and jumped to conclusions.
TexChik · F
@robb65 and a “ welfare “ check?
AbbeyRhode · F
Lies on top of lies are just second nature to Pelosi And Co. I don't think they could tell the truth if their miserable lives depended on it. And the propaganda media is only too happy to spread those lies. So now they can all look ridiculous together.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
See, you folks get confused about the definition of "fake news". What you just posted is "fake news". Something made up to perpetuate a lie.

If I were you, I would describe this guy as a mentally unstable individual far outside of the right-wing circles. Too wacky even for them. Instead, you are implying that he is some kind of false flag actor - a conspiracy. This makes you look as crazy as him.

There are MULTIPLE accounts from friends, family, law enforcement, and other sources that list his extreme views going back a few years. Accept it.
LMFAO. That's complete 🐂💩 Why do you carry the commie's water? Is the money good?

So enlighten us. Who provided these multiple accounts to which you refer? The Pelosi mansion is sounded by an "immoral" wall. It's loaded with electronic surveillance. And is staffed with armed security personnel. Yet hammer boy waltzes in uncontested. How does this nut job get through the Pelosi gauntlet, genius? We'll wait.

[image/video deleted]
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@BizSuitStacy and still you carry on the conspiracy stuff. Law enforcement, left and right media, eyewitnesses, family…all wrong. But memes you find on social media have the truth. Its stuff like this that has me voting blue these days.
So, you're just gonna continue repeating the same leftwing bs narrative. You're going to stick with "Depape is a right-winger" despite the fact there is no actual evidence. You're gonna deny the actual evidence of The Wayback Machine showing he had two right-wing oriented websites created on 10/28, which were deleted on 10/29 because people quickly found the coverup. You're gonna deny Depape's account of the story that he was there for sex with Pelosi and the 2 got into an argument over drugs. BTW, who exactly are the eye witnesses to whom you refer? There was no family present as you suggest. Conservative media doesn't support your ludricrous claims. Only the left wing media supports your nonsense.
No surprise. And no one on the left is interested in asking how this guy got into the house in the first place.

So, little troll...asking you a 2nd time:
The Pelosi mansion is sounded by an "immoral" wall. It's loaded with electronic surveillance. And is staffed with armed security personnel. Yet hammer boy waltzes in uncontested. How does this nut job get through the Pelosi gauntlet, genius?

Still waiting. You gonna answer or you gonna deflect again?
Chagrinned · M
Maybe Jesse Smollett helped out.

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