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What Happened to Liz Truss Can’t Happen Here and that's bad news.


The truth of the matter is that while Liz Truss was incompetent and the spectacle was embarassing the silver lining for England was that they actually sacked her.

Here at home the partisanship is so fierce that if you were incompetent it's irrelevant the system won't purge you since negative partisanship has exploded.

Also, it furthers my argument that the United States was formed before the world understood that parliments while not immune to being corrupted but were immensely superior to our congressional system in terms of holding the politicians accountable and airing grievances.


Truth is our Bicameral Congress and the form of the structure of government is flawed and infeiror to Parliament, and frankly the problem with our executive branch or in other terms the presidency is somewhat who serves but far more so the existence of the office itself irregardless of who's in it.

Imagine American presidents having to answer to PMQ's like the british prime minister has to


Liz truss's collapse shows that British Democracy is working, unlike American Democracy which is failing.

paul tidwell

paul tidwell
0 seconds ago
Well at least they sacked her, that would never happen here in the united states.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
What is not talk about in the UK is the King or Queen can trash the whole system.

Of course that would now cause a huge uproar. Yet it's quite conceivable to happen.

The PM absolutely is up to the current Monarch's approval even without trashing the whole system.

The PM must advise ALL laws to the current monarch, who has say in those same laws. As to the house of Lords (or Peers) again it's up to the current monarch.

This last is why knighting is important.

Not everyone can become a "Lord" (Peer) which is equivalent to a US senator.

Yet the house of Lords both advise or delays laws of the house of commons.

This is why Liz trust was forced to resign.

Now think of the hierarchy. House of commons the house of Lords (Peers) then finally the current monarch.

So basically the monarch "advised" the house of commons who slowed down Liz Truss to the point she couldn't do anything.

Basically a dictatorship. The monarch has control in several ways.

Also bear in mind the monarch is the head of the church! I'm sure you just love that idea!

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