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He deserves the firing squad. He is a traitor to this country.
AbbeyRhode · F
Thank you for Best Answer.
BizSuitStacy · M
Worst president ever.
TexChik · F
@BizSuitStacy worst installed figurehead
BizSuitStacy · M
@TexChik 100% Installed figure head is a much better description.
The people got what they deserve. They voted for Biden. They hated Trump.Even how bad things are .They still hate Trump.
To all the 84 million biden voters . I hope you're happy.
You voted for biden. Now live with it. You deserve all the hardships you have gotten and the more that are coming in the next 2 years. Hope your house doesn't get toooo cold this winter.Don't worry solar and wind will keep the lights on.One good thing is with the price of food the US people will loose weight.
To all the 84 million biden voters . I hope you're happy.
You voted for biden. Now live with it. You deserve all the hardships you have gotten and the more that are coming in the next 2 years. Hope your house doesn't get toooo cold this winter.Don't worry solar and wind will keep the lights on.One good thing is with the price of food the US people will loose weight.
Budwick · 70-79, M
You had to go there?
You were doing so well!
One good thing is with the price of food the US people will loose weight.
You had to go there?
You were doing so well!
Had to put in a little bright thing after all that gloom@Budwick
llamaboy · 36-40, M
He's a traitor & deserves death!
turbineman40 · 80-89, M
Impeachment is the answer to get rid of Biden. Then we get Kamala who is worst in my book. The answer is turn all Congress Republican and make Biden a lame duck president
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
Because we're not a socialist democracy.
Murka is a sacrifice.
Murka is a sacrifice.