New political positions forthcoming
The United States' elected leaders are the oldest they've ever been. The age gap between the government and the governed is wider than ever before. And the notion that the nation is now a gerontocracy — which the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary defines as "a state, society, or group governed by old people" — is decidedly real.
Almost 50% of Americans are under 40, but only about 5% of members of Congress are.
Business Insider
Now, this doesn't mean because all the kids are 4 that you choose a 6-year-old babysitter. And those in middle to advanced age are neurally as sound as anyone and come with the added a rare benefit of experience. But we need to stop the stranglehold on the US government this aging governing body represents.
Almost 50% of Americans are under 40, but only about 5% of members of Congress are.
Business Insider
Now, this doesn't mean because all the kids are 4 that you choose a 6-year-old babysitter. And those in middle to advanced age are neurally as sound as anyone and come with the added a rare benefit of experience. But we need to stop the stranglehold on the US government this aging governing body represents.