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New political positions forthcoming

The United States' elected leaders are the oldest they've ever been. The age gap between the government and the governed is wider than ever before. And the notion that the nation is now a gerontocracy — which the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary defines as "a state, society, or group governed by old people" — is decidedly real.

Almost 50% of Americans are under 40, but only about 5% of members of Congress are.
Business Insider

Now, this doesn't mean because all the kids are 4 that you choose a 6-year-old babysitter. And those in middle to advanced age are neurally as sound as anyone and come with the added a rare benefit of experience. But we need to stop the stranglehold on the US government this aging governing body represents.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
There shouldn't be a law but it should be understood no one older than 60 should run for president. It is a young man's job. It takes a lot of energy. Biden will be 80 in November.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@hunkalove Thomas Jefferson - you know, one of the fathers of this country - was nearly 60 when we ran for President and won two terms. In fact, the first eight presidents hovered around 60 as they ran for office. 11 in total. 12 who were 55 and above. A mere 9 under the age of 50.

The issue isn't with wisdom or age. The issue is one of a trend in rising age. One man of advanced years is of little consequence; a senate and house made up of them is a different beast.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
@Graylight The world is a much different place than it was back then. Someone elected at 60 and served two terms would be 68. I'm 72, there is no way I could function as president. I dont think Biden can either. He was chosen by the wealthy and powerful because he will and always has done what he is told to do. Unlike Trump who is too mentally-ill to obey.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@hunkalove You're right. Back then the life expectancy age was much lower. 60 in 1778 meant a much more seasoned standing than in this age. In this age, 60 is even younger. Bear in mind, your 72 is not necessarily another's 72.

Which "wealthy and powerful" exactly, chose to install Biden and what did what look like? Trump is mentally unstable, but that's not a function of age.
Lila15 · 22-25, F
I agree. Considering the ages of the people in charge, we could have a complete changeover within ten years. I think if the Democrats lose the House, Pelosi,Hoyer, and Clyburn will step down for sure. So we’d see a total change of Democratic leadership.
plinkplonk · F
There is no reason why Pelosi should still be there. She stayed because of Trump and lingers because of her ego ... just like RBG. Ruth should of stepped down when Obama asked her.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@plinkplonk It's not one person, that's the whole point. Jesus, can we stop with the identity politics?
plinkplonk · F
@Graylight It all starts with the individual. If we can replace them - one by one - we can change the course of the party. It really has turned into a popularity contest with the "elders" voting for each other.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
I’m 65 and I approve this message.
Je suis Strom

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With age comes wisdom but this is ridiculous. Biden is not only old, he's senile. And no not all old men are senile, but Biden is. The issue with some of these older men is they're set in their ways and they don't really know much about how the current economy runs. They're pushing us back into the 1950s. Biden is still trying to figure out how to operate a VCR.

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