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MarineBob · 56-60, M
Don't blame the party for misdeeds of 99% of them
The Dow dropped 1200 points yesterday
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turbineman40 · 80-89, M
That to destroy America
llamaboy · 36-40, M
Please destroy the degenerate, dishonest, and evil Democrat party.
llamaboy · 36-40, M
The COMMUNIST Democrat party MUST be crushed !
llamaboy · 36-40, M
Make no mistake, they support evil...are evil.
joe438 · 61-69, M
Most of us who have long Ben affiliated with the party feel that the blow hard a-holes who claim to speak for the party DO NOT speak for us. We don’t condone violence, using the government to target people we disagree with, etc.
joe438 · 61-69, M
@fanuc2013 Voting them out is our only recourse. I supported who I thought were the best of them in the primary. If we all did that we could make some changes.
I hope we don't reelect them but no one person has the power to change that. Reasonable people have to want the job, and reasonable voters have to vote them in. That's a lot of rows to hoe.
I hope we don't reelect them but no one person has the power to change that. Reasonable people have to want the job, and reasonable voters have to vote them in. That's a lot of rows to hoe.