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why are elected representatives NOT required to handle\destroy classified documents properly??

as we volunteer military personnel and defense company employees are required to do??
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To be fair, he's not just a representative, and a lot of voters elected him to destroy civilization so as to enable him to reconstruct a fictional Great America.

He's never seen himself as the "help" and millions of his supporters seem to reject the idea of a President as a public servant, because that's some sort of socialist construct anatema to their own mission of pissing on everyone but themselves.

PS: this was over the top, but not really that far off point.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
@MistyCee my post covers all officials and reps., not just one👍
@1490wayb Sorry. I think, in general, elected represensatives are supposed to handle classified documents properly. Forgive me, please for focusing on one guy, who continually seems to separate himself from other human beings, let alone public servants.
I think, more or less, that Congress once set rules saying the security clearance laws don't apply to members of Congress. However, I believe their staffers need clearances to access confidential stuff.

This is about members of Congress who helped foment Jan 6 and why they don't seem to face consequences:
Unlike officials at federal agencies, lawmakers do not have security clearances per se, experts said. Rather, members of Congress are by tradition deemed inherently trustworthy by dint of the offices they hold, although they are subject to punishment under the House ethics code for revealing classified information. The maximum penalty, which would require a two-thirds vote by the House, is expulsion.

Neither their fellow lawmakers nor any president could take that fundamental presumption of trustworthiness away from them.

“If they remain Members, then they retain eligibility for access to classified information,” Steven Aftergood, a leading expert on government secrecy with the Federation of American Scientists, said in an email. “But if they engaged in constitutionally prohibited actions, then they should be expelled from Congress altogether.”
Because we have come, as a society, to have contempt for the law and protocols of government, in favor of executive power. So if the POTUS does it-- good. If the CEO does it-- good. We love a big daddy. 😒
Normally they are. But a certain someone is confused and believes himself to be an absolute monarch so he thinks the rules only apply to the peasants,not him.
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