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justanothername · 51-55, M
Are you trying to say that he was too stoopid to steal them so how could he be guilty?
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ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Probably had them read to him by someone without security clearance.
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
People that bash Trump after he’s been out of office nearly 2 years or man girls or their wives keep their balls in their purse are generally Biden voters that can’t get a job a degree in womens/ gender studies and can’t pay off their own loans and expect those that went to trade schools to learn a skill that pays very well without having any debt to pay off, which one of those describes you? You are about in that school loan range
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@SW-User lmao, I guess you never took a day off ?
No, not to subvert the democratic process by joining a violent mob to overrun the physical seat of our national legislative body while its ratifying the victory of the presidential candidate elected by a majority of the American voters through bashing out the windows in the doors that enter into the chambers that house half of it members with the intent to kidnap or assassinate them in an attempt to successfully mount a coup because my preferred candidate did not win the presidency,. That, I can very confidently say.
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Prison1203 · 61-69, M
@SW-User assassinate or kidnap, you’re funny, if republicans really wanted to do that there would have been a gun in each hand of everyone there, and how many guns were found? Here’s a hint for your slow helmet wearing self, ZERO GUNS FOUND, republicans own over 300 million guns, now, do you really think that they were intending to assassinate someone with no weapons? Quite ignorant on your part seeing as not even as much as a knife was found . Keep licking the windows and believing the fake news
WifeJenCa · 36-40, F
Trumpsfinallygone you’re a fucking idiot. You let politics get under your skin so bad that you actually make your username about Trump? Wow you’re a fucking loser
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I hear he has people that read stuff to him -- but they have to read quick before his attention wanders. If a squirrel wanders past the window, they lose his attention for half an hour.
bijouxbroussard · F
And yet, somehow he managed to get the penalty increased for mishandling official documents, which he clearly knew was illegal. It’s pretty stupid to increase the penalty and then break that law yourself, not expecting to be prosecuted. Or arrogant.
But that’s where things stand.
But that’s where things stand.