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The signing of the Inflation Reduction Act caps a string of legislative victories over the last few weeks.

Biden has won so much lately he must be getting exhausted from all the winning. Just like Trump. Wh- oh, my mistake that's right he didn't win shit 😆
Driver2 · M
Yea except it’s a fraud , much like the vote count
@Driver2 Again, every rumor was run to ground by *Trump's* election lawyer. Sane thing happened in AZ by its own election people. The GA guy said--way back when; perhaps he thinks differently, now--that he'd voted for Trump and indicated he'd likely vote for him again; *he* found no fraud.

With how crazy this is and the ability to make "deep fake" videos, I think late-surfacing videos have to be viewed with skepticism.
Driver2 · M
@SomeMichGuy ok so it’s normal for someone to make a loop from a leftist organizations office to 20 or mire drop boxes . Sure maybe it was date night , wake up

I don't know what you mean, but people who WANTED to find fraud did NOT.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Biden is aware the position of President of a country such as the USA requires long work hours, DTrump was not aware of this at all.
@BackyardShaman DJT thought 2 AM tweets & calls into Fox should mean something, workwise... lol
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
Biden is winning and America is loosing.
@Virgo79 Cope harder.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@BohemianBabe more like pray harder
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Budwick · 70-79, M
the Inflation Reduction Act caps a string of legislative victories over the last few weeks.

Victory, eh?
So, you are in favor of collapsing the American economy too?
At least Trump was a true pro-gun Conservative.
JK, he banned bumpstocks.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
What did Biden eat for lunch?
@TheRascallyOne Idk, but he drank the tears of Mitch et al.

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