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How can American supreme Court put importance over unborn fetus over grown kids in schools who have to go through school shootings?

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Carissimi · F
That happens because you don’t understand how the SCOTUS works, nor our Constitution. The decision they made was NOT to ban abortions. They sent it back to the individual States. That’s how it used to be before activist Supreme Court Justices made it federally protected. It never should have been federal. The SCOTUS deals with Constitutional law only. The States deal with the rest. The 2nd Amendment comes under Constitutional law. Abortion does not.
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@Carissimi it's absolutely disgusting to take away a woman's right of choice on how to decide how her body should be
Carissimi · F
You didn’t understand a word I wrote. 🤦‍♀️ @Loopysoutherner
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@Carissimi overturning roe v wade which was put there in the first place to give women rights on how to handle their pregnancy's
Carissimi · F
Like I said, you don’t understand, and I can’t carry on a conversation with such blatant ignorance of how Constitutional law works. You don’t want to understand. No one has taken rights away. The Court has given Rights back to the States. @Loopysoutherner
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@Carissimi so the rights of a woman choosing to have an abortion is now in the hands of the state?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Loopysoutherner always was just now some states chose differently
Carissimi · F
Yes. That’s where it was, and how it’s supposed to work. Abortion does not come under Constitutional Law. If you want to blame anyone for not making it federal, blame the Democrats. They have the House, the Senate, and the White House. They can make the law federal, but for all their whining, they won’t do it. @Loopysoutherner
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@Carissimi so you'd be OK with not been allowed to have an abortion? Even if it was life threatening or would place you in debt?
MasterLee · 56-60, M
@Carissimi have to love impossible strawmen from foreign leftists
Carissimi · F
Why do you keep going on about abortion. You started blaming the SCOTUS, and I explained that to you. After this conversation, I’m thinking it’s you that likes to argue, and not @Freeranger, who you were arguing with yesterday. You won’t see sense. Have a nice day. I’m done here. @Loopysoutherner
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Loopysoutherner Are you serious? Can you read? Perhaps you can do more research and educate yourself on these issues rather than making a complete fool of yourself.

Wait……aren’t you the same person extolling the virtues of Marx? THAT explains it.
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@Carissimi I'm blaming the supreme Courts decision to overturn roe v wade.
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@carpediem because I'm pro choice?
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Loopysoutherner Because you’re a fool. I have some news, many who support the decision are also pro choice. It is and always has been a states issue if you read the constitution. It’s clear.

You have no clue what actually happened. You’re lost. You’re spewing rhetoric that is simply and factually wrong. Educate yourself.
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@carpediem no one who supports the decision is pro choice. That's a contradictory statement. How can Americans one minute claim to be all about freedom then next support a decision to not allow women to have an abortion?
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Loopysoutherner No it isn’t. Don’t shovel your bullshit here girl. You are simply not understanding the issue. Do some research on the constitution you dingbat. Seriously, stop with your rhetoric and do some research.
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@carpediem so because I'm not blinded by nationalist loyalty to a constitution written in 1787 I'm a fool? That makes sense because?
Vin53 · M
Ahhhh...So you're for jailing 10yr olds who get raped and have an abortion. Got it.

Vin53 · M
So the 14th amendment should be tossed out the window and the Gov't should be allowed to look into our bedrooms and see who we're having sex with.

Vin53 · M
Well I certainly do. You think the gov't should monitor people's bedrooms so that nobody has that yucky kind of sex.

carpediem · 61-69, M
@Loopysoutherner Correct. There’s a constitution. Read it. If you don’t like it then leave the country. We have laws.

You’re a Marxist anyway. Move to Russia or Cuba. They love you and you’ll enjoy the commie lifestyle.
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@carpediem you not heard? Russia not been socialist since the collapse of the ussr. Lenin legalised homosexuality and abortion 50 years before America. Cubas literacy rate is 10 per cent better than americas and 2 years under america in terms of life expectancy
carpediem · 61-69, M
@Loopysoutherner If you need help packing you let me know. It would be my pleasure. Those countries are way better suited for you. You might want to burn your passport once you reach commie-land. You wouldn’t want to come back here.

Bye. Enjoy. 🙋‍♂️ See ya. Hurry too. Life is short
Loopysoutherner · 51-55, F
@carpediem commie lands don't exist. If they did then they would have no class division and no state
Carissimi · F
Sorry, but saying something like that to me shows me what an Facking idiot you are. @Vin53