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Shinzo Abe wanted Japan to take Article 9,out of Japanese law, and go back to war -. And he was shot dead during a political speach.

Was there a karma connection?
Is this a win for the guns guns guns people who get your weapons to you through the internet and mail? Can they be gun free in Japan, any more?
Graylight · 51-55, F
When it's China and not Canada sitting on you, then you can make policy based on that.
@Graylight Look into Abe and his party leadership. They are right wing extremists who want to restore the Japanese Empire of the 30s. They believe that Japan liberated Asia and that the war crimes were lies. They believe the Tokyo Tribunal was a crime against the Japanese people and a wrong that needs to be righted. They also have a stated goal of re-instating the empire which includes about half of China. Which explains why the Chinese are not exactly on good terms with them. They are also openly homophobic and misogynistic. Look up Nippon Kaigi.

But because the USA is against China it all gets a pass.
Abstraction · 61-69, M
Yes, they can be gun free. It's not a country with a culture of gun violence, has low crime. This is an exceptional act. I'd hate to live in a country where everyone feels they need guns to be safe. It's a self-perpetuating cycle that benefits the sellers of firearms, not the society.
@Abstraction the internet lets you download the plans for a home-made gun -. Did conservatives impose guns on the world? Can Japan do a thing? Would the US let them?
Abstraction · 61-69, M
@Roundandroundwego Gun control isn't about there being no guns or banning guns. There are guns in Australia - military, police, security guards, sporting shooters, farmers, people licensed to go hunting, etc. If you are determined you can access a gun if you apply and pass the test and have the appropriate storage conditions. But this was sufficient to stop mass shootings in Australia. US is a very different social context.
Northwest · M
In 2014, Abe modified the mission of the Japanese Defense Forces, to enable them to be prepared to support allies in case of war. He did not need to amend the Constitution.
@Northwest Abe and company are bunch of right wing extremists who want to restore the Japanese empire.

But like any nation that is the enemy of the enemy of the week in the US they get a blanket pass.
Northwest · M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Oh hey, here comes rebel without a clue proving he's as clueless about Japan, as he is about, well, everything else. 😂 Bye dummy.
@Northwest And as usual you throw insults and mouth off on things you don't know shit about just like your buddy MarkPaul

Pretty sad you have turned into clone of him. Next you will be claiming to have 6 doctorates and 8 Master's degrees.
Abe and his party are a bunch of right wing lunatics. The change in 2014 is part of their delusion of restoring the Japanese empire.

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