Great job, Arizona
You just dealt a huge blow to that pesky concept of transparency and accountability for authoritative forces. You're governor just signed into law that states that witnesses to a law enforcement activity cannot make a recording if they know or reasonably should know that such an activity is occurring and if an officer has given them a verbal warning that they are not allowed to record within 8 feet.
George Floyd? Not allowable to tape under this law. Protest violence at the hands of the cops? Not from 8 feet. Violence or unconstitutional behavior toward immigrants? Nope, not 8 feet away. Taping your own treatment after being pulled over for driving while black? Put the phone down and your hands up.
I assume they'rr calling this the "mind your own business" law. Justice dies in the darkness.
George Floyd? Not allowable to tape under this law. Protest violence at the hands of the cops? Not from 8 feet. Violence or unconstitutional behavior toward immigrants? Nope, not 8 feet away. Taping your own treatment after being pulled over for driving while black? Put the phone down and your hands up.
I assume they'rr calling this the "mind your own business" law. Justice dies in the darkness.