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We now have Free States and not so free states... Birdie

When I say Free States, I mean states where a woman is free to give birth. A gift cannot be forced by definition. When birth becomes a legal mandate it is no longer a gift. In the free states, a woman can give birth.

In the other states, carrying to term is a forced legal mandate. In those states, where a woman is forced to carry, a woman's right to give birth has been taken away.
Graylight · 51-55, F
And a citizen with fewer rights than the government is easier to control and profit from. Look for power to resentfully be wrested from LGBTQ, minorities and other marginalized groups. SCOTUS is already working on it.

"Traditional Family Values" has always been nothing more than a dog whistle for bigots everywhere.
ozgirl512 · 26-30, F
That about sums it up... Unless you decide to vote
To give birth to something such as an idea means to cause it to start to exist.
https://www.collinsdictionary.com › ...
Give birth to definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
GrinNude · 61-69, C
@SW-User I'm talking about being forced to carry an embryo. I'm not talking about giving birth to an idea. Where did that come from?
@GrinNude I was just making the point that "give" and gift aren't synonymous in this context

But if I misinterpreted what you were saying then aplogies! 😊

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