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Nothing Like Christian Love

Lauren Boebert prayed Biden's 'days should be few' as 'Christian Center' crowd laughed and cheered

In a video posted to Twitter, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) set up a crowd of Christians at the Family Camp Meeting at Charis Christian Center in Colorado Springs, by saying she prays for President Joe Biden.

Then she turned to the Bible sitting on the lectern and stated that "his days should be numbered" while citing the passage from Psalm 109:8.

Holding a microphone and pacing, she told the crowd, "I do want you to know that I pray for our President. Psalm 109:8 says, 'May his days be few and another take his office.'"

As the crowd caught on to what she was saying, they began to cheer which caused her to start laughing before adding, "Hallelujah! Glory to God," as the cheers grew.

As Business Insider reported, Boebert's use of the line is not a first in the political realm, with former Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) -- who recently lost his bid to be the Republican Party's GOP nominee for governor despite the endorsement of Donald Trump -- also brought it up about former President Barrack Obama at a Faith & Freedom Conference.

"In his role as president, I think we should pray for Barack Obama. But I think we need to be very specific about how we pray. We should pray like Psalms 109:8 says. It says, 'Let his days be few, and let another have his office,'" he told the crowd.

You can watch the video below:
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Northwest · M
Not original, but it's not like she's the brainy type.

Psalm 109:8 was making the racists' rounds after President Obama took office early in 2009.
Graylight · 51-55, F
I'd like to imagine just which circle of hell it is where Christians who use their faith to teach hate and hurt others
reside, but I'm not sure I can count that high.
Yet Obama served two terms and tRump only one. And Biden, being in the middle of his first term, unless he dies in office or quits, is not even at risk.

Boebert is no great thinker and the hypocritical use of he bible is among the reason religion is dying in the USA.

These fools lack the Meidas Touch. Leaders of fools - and here is bible for ya - when the blind leadeth the blind, they both shall fall in the ditch.
I'd like to point out that not one "Christian" has said this is wrong. Just like the let's round up the gays and shoot them in their head stuff.

We see you..

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