Want to save the planet? Why not cut junk mail off at its (tree) roots?
Just the two of us get 4-times out allotment of junk mail daily. We have both a PO box and since the tax compactors don't let us live in post office boxes we also have home mail delivery, whether we want it or not.
So much of our junk mail is times 4. One each for the two of us at the post office, another two at our home, and occasionally a 5th or 6th addressed to "Occupant" or "Resident".
Of the approximately 12 pounds of mail we receive weekly, we average about 4 to 6 ounces of meaningful mail. The other 11 pounds and 10 ounces goes into the trash or the shredder, and likely to eventually be burned at the city dump, or put on a barge and sent elsewhere to be burned.
I don't know the formula for converting junk mail to living trees, but I have to imagine that when added to the junk mail received by the other 334,999,998 Americans, it's a lot of trees. And, instead of those trees being converted into more carbon in our air, they can serve us by continuing to exist as trees where they consume carbon dioxide, releasing the oxygen back into the air, and safely storing the carbon away, harmless to our planet.
Somewhere in proliferation of junk mail must be some advertises making big contributions to politicians, so don't expect congress to help rid our planet of junk mail.
Better to beg advertisers to just stop it. Why are they wasting money and harming our planet with junk mail that I just put in the trash. Maybe instead they can send me one e-mail a year, telling me how much junk mail that they didn't send me that year, the number of trees that weren't cut down and how many tons of carbon weren't dumped into the air. Also they can tell me how much they saved by not sending me junk mail.
So much of our junk mail is times 4. One each for the two of us at the post office, another two at our home, and occasionally a 5th or 6th addressed to "Occupant" or "Resident".
Of the approximately 12 pounds of mail we receive weekly, we average about 4 to 6 ounces of meaningful mail. The other 11 pounds and 10 ounces goes into the trash or the shredder, and likely to eventually be burned at the city dump, or put on a barge and sent elsewhere to be burned.
I don't know the formula for converting junk mail to living trees, but I have to imagine that when added to the junk mail received by the other 334,999,998 Americans, it's a lot of trees. And, instead of those trees being converted into more carbon in our air, they can serve us by continuing to exist as trees where they consume carbon dioxide, releasing the oxygen back into the air, and safely storing the carbon away, harmless to our planet.
Somewhere in proliferation of junk mail must be some advertises making big contributions to politicians, so don't expect congress to help rid our planet of junk mail.
Better to beg advertisers to just stop it. Why are they wasting money and harming our planet with junk mail that I just put in the trash. Maybe instead they can send me one e-mail a year, telling me how much junk mail that they didn't send me that year, the number of trees that weren't cut down and how many tons of carbon weren't dumped into the air. Also they can tell me how much they saved by not sending me junk mail.