This is OHSU
the RESEARCH hospitals. What blows me away in all this that we're still having this conversation about whether colleges do more harm than good and it's like
they do more good. What astonishes me about it too is that DARPA created the purcursors to the modern world wide web but what gets even more amazing is that the touch screens and even lithium ion batteries in people's phones came out of research colleges.
Apple just bought publically funded research and put it together in a way that was complimentary enough to make sales and the rest is history.
but they remixed other people's work.
The thing is you might ask t hen like but the private sector can fund research and it does but it's all short term research.
Long run research that yields incredible technologies like the internet often are not profitable at all for a very long time until EUREKA and you get what we now have.
because that research needs to be done but it can't have someone pulling the plug on it's budget because it's not yielding to anything profitable (yet.)
in corporate america you have t o deliver results in terms of profit, in Academia your budget is never threatened so you can keep researching long past the point the market would pull the plug.
and if it hadnt of been that way TCP/IP and the underlying infrastructure that all of the modern web including this website DEPEND on never would have emerged.
the RESEARCH hospitals. What blows me away in all this that we're still having this conversation about whether colleges do more harm than good and it's like
they do more good. What astonishes me about it too is that DARPA created the purcursors to the modern world wide web but what gets even more amazing is that the touch screens and even lithium ion batteries in people's phones came out of research colleges.
Apple just bought publically funded research and put it together in a way that was complimentary enough to make sales and the rest is history.
but they remixed other people's work.
The thing is you might ask t hen like but the private sector can fund research and it does but it's all short term research.
Long run research that yields incredible technologies like the internet often are not profitable at all for a very long time until EUREKA and you get what we now have.
because that research needs to be done but it can't have someone pulling the plug on it's budget because it's not yielding to anything profitable (yet.)
in corporate america you have t o deliver results in terms of profit, in Academia your budget is never threatened so you can keep researching long past the point the market would pull the plug.
and if it hadnt of been that way TCP/IP and the underlying infrastructure that all of the modern web including this website DEPEND on never would have emerged.