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Biden Administration Suffers Humiliating Defeat at World Health Assembly

Many people aren't even aware that official delegates (globalist elites) from wealthier developed nations such as Australia, the UK, and the US spoke in strong support of the Biden administration's proposed 13 amendments, urging other countries to join them in signing away your nation's sovereignty in a major step toward The Great Reset, thinly veiled as a matter of public health.

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wildbill83 · 41-45, M
apparently, democrats forgot to read the 10th Amendment before trying such absurdity to begin with...

States have the right and power to nullify biden's executive orders as quickly as he can sign them...
@wildbill83 Yep. Red states would not comply. Blue states might. Good thing other nation woke up to this power grab.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@wildbill83 It also cannot go in effect here, unless 2/3s of the Senate approve ratification. Good luck with that globalists.
Carissimi · F
Democrats have this tendency to disregard, not only the Constitution, but all laws, if they stand in their way. They try to bully their way to getting what they want. The unfortunate part is they get away with a lot of this law breaking. The rest of us would be in jail for the crimes they commit.
@Carissimi I know you had concerns about where this issue landed, as did I. They avoided the direct bully tactics this time and tried selling out the US and the rest of the world very quietly. The globalists are getting desparate.
Carissimi · F
"The sovereignty of the United States is not negotiable". ~ Senator Ron Johnson.

They will reconvene in 2024, hopefully Trump will be back in the White House, and take us out of the WHO again. @BizSuitStacy
Budwick · 70-79, M
Oh my goodness - this is delicious news.
@Budwick this should be a wake up call for the entire world.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@BizSuitStacy I just read the article and agree with 100%
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Thank you, this is encouraging news.
@SumKindaMunster The mainstream news didn't cover this at all...a good indication of just how dangerous these amendments really were.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
Good. Although after reading we still need to keep our guard up, because the globalists will try again in 2024.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@BizSuitStacy People thought I was crazy when I was going around saying Obama was trying to instill a one world goverment and lay the foundations for it. They thought I was crazy during that time saying the dems were starting to become Marxists. Now, years later, all that shit is true. Obama's successor is trying his hand at one world gov, and we have... the Marxist squad and the many sheeple that follow them.
@ShadowWolf Spot on! Glad to know younger patriots like you see this issue so clearly. The first time I heard a president mention the need for a New World Order was when Bush 41 was in office. Every president since echoed that except Trump. Now the biggest buffoon to ever occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. is at the helm to distract the public while the cabal implements their plan.
ShadowWolf · 31-35, M
@BizSuitStacy Yes, I care deeply for our country and our autonomy from the rest of the world. We broke away from Europe for good reason. And there is ZERO reason we should be giving up our freedoms as they have done. And taxation... we shouldn't be taxed like them. The Boston Tea Party didn't happen for no reason....
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
The US stands to lose a lot under WHO or UN rule. Those less financially secure nations stand to lose everything. Without the US, Australia, Europe, who are the Indians and the Chinese going to sell their goods to.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
This is why I ain't taking them serious anymore. They're not even close accomplishing to control. All it is a mess that nobody wins accept the fact they're getting exposed.

I would list of everything the WEF fucked up if they even dare to control the world.

The Government should set up Tech Companies secretly other than being private Sectors. The problem is the Government decides to find these private sectors that only have two Interest. Money and the User's rights. Facebook. Twitter. Instagram. YouTube and other companies only have two faces instead of one. If the Government is smart to rather build their own Tech Companies then they will have a one face controlling user's rights.

It's not really possible due to section 230 exist.

And then Gun controls. Try to display fear by setting up Violent events to blame Guns are the Enemy of the people. That way they will use this opportunity to create a Bill and pray the Constitution rights to be destroyed. That way people will be powerless against the system.

Well people are fighting back plus these schemes seems to never work. Unfortunately Australia Citizens fell into this Deception. I don't know how they did it.

The Pendamics is starting to get really Suspicious. If they Think Monkeypox is their ultimate Weapon then they must've come from Uranus because they don't live in the same world as we the "People"

The Economic Reset Miss-Calculations. High Gas Prices. Higher Food Prices and Item Prices. Higher Interest Rates for Homes. Property Tax. Yet The U.S. is still surviving.

The Invasion of Ukraine didn't play well for the Globalists Elites. Look what the Democrats and The Rino's are doing? Pumping our Tax paying dollars to Foreign Nations of Conflict should never be part of our Business in the first place. Unfortunately these Motherfuckers sold us to Zelensky but instead, He's just a Sitting Duck in his own mess.

And the EU cut Oil Imports from Russia is just Suicide.

Yea...so called Elites. Pathetic lonely humans that only money can speak.

It's too late and there's no going back to fix these issues of their own mistakes.
Confined · 56-60, M
Giving our solvereignty away is High Treason. Biden should be arrested tried and sent to the gallows.
@Confined Agreed!
[image/video deleted]

Let’s see your “ I can’t screw my own citizens” face.
@BizSuitStacy Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

You would think that for the better part of a half century this man who has been in politics, would know that.

But if he is of sound mind which is uncertain, he shouldn’t make or let such dangerous precedents be forced on him…that is, IF he is cognizant of what is going on around him.
@soar2newhighs Biden's cognitive capabilities have clearly diminished, but this a massively corrupt individual and is complicit in pushing The Great Reset. The irony in all of this are the nations pushing back...particularly China and Russia, along with Brazil's president Bolsonaro, who is a Trump ally. Soros has said these two nations are the greatest threats to democracy. Translation: China and Russia are not on board with the New World Order. I find this fascinating and ironic as the CCP was instrumental in establishing Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus as the Director General of the WHO. There is more internal conflict here than we realize.
@BizSuitStacy Well , for China regarding this guy they got to run WHO, they were obviously not aware of things.
China and Russia will not capitulate to any World Order.

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