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it's impossible for order to be natural.

"the natural order" Well that very phrase is an oxymoron. Order is inherently unnatural the universe bends towards entropy naturally. There's nothing natural about order.

the default state of the universe is chaos. not order. So there's only the natural chaos. No Natural order. The Chaos has to be bent unnaturally into order.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I know this sounds like oxymoronic, yet there is such a thing as ordered chaos.

Where the basic physical laws are in place yet everything else is in constant change.

This is in fact nature. π is π no matter what. It's a physical constant no matter what. Yet everything that π effects is in constant change. So the whole is ordered, yet chaotic.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Neural networks from a ordered chaos!


Now I know I'll have a hard time to show the opposite: chaotic order.

Yet the concept is something I came up decades ago and haven't seen any one refer to anything similar.

The two different models though do seem to work in tandem.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@jshm2 one without the other is Annihilation for both.

Chaos can not exist without order nor order exist without the constant change of chaos. It's actually in our own DNA. For we can not reproduce without changing nor change our DNA without the ordered structure of the DNA itself.
@jshm2 No it isn't. The abundance of order in the universe doesn't matter the trend is towards entropy, sure, you've temporarily forced chaos into an ordered structure but it will eventually fall apart and back towards entropy. entropy will win in the end.

Meaning it always returns to chaos. The order you witness today is mere dust in the wind, it will not last. I tire of people like Steven Crowder talking about the "natural order" because the order that currently exist is merely a state where Chaos has been BENT into order but make no mistake it will eventually return to chaos.

This is why I deny the natural order, To me the order witnessed in the present is merely chaos FORCED to conform to human desires and bent to our will, but it won't last.

Things fall apart. we're just lucky to live in a time where for the time being order is winning. it doesn't matter how much order exist in the present state of things if the trend line is decline.

eventually for instance the sun will go red giant and then the super massive black hole at the heart of our galaxy will swallow the sun.



and I'm not a pessimist, just a realist.



to me a "natural order" would violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics: entropy always increases.
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Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
Sure. The atoms aren't alike-. Anything goes, man!

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