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A new equal-pay agreement between the United States men's and women's teams has been hailed as potentially "changing the game around the world".

US Soccer has announced the teams will pool their World Cup prize money, along with their share of television and sponsorship revenues. BBC World News

Thanks, GOP members, Republicans voters and conservatives alike. I'm sure the accolades all go to you and your tireless championing of women's sports rights. Out there on the frontlines and at the polls, refusing to rest until women were fairly compensated, a battle decades in the fighting. So many times it felt oddly lonely when echoes of "they don't generate revenue" and "men just do some things better" took up the silence.

Surely they were never your voices, the same voices that continue to safeguard the sanctity and community gel that is women's sports. No one who doesn't check the right box will be allowed. Taller, fitter, longer muscles, better lungs, O2 recovery time, conditioning...it's all fine until that dreaded "would you like to share your private business with us?" box. But we've got you to rally around it, just as no doubt you tirelessly pushed until finally, at last, women were fairly compensated. Or we would have you to thank, if any of you really cared enough to even know this was a story today.
Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
When the Dems can stop destroying women's sports by forcing unfair competition against biological men, get back to us about pay. Or do any of you actually care enough to know that that is also a story today?
Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
@Graylight And where the hell does a political hit piece, based solely on lies and smears, have anything to do with 'women's issues'?
Graylight · 51-55, F
@Indieoriginal Political hit piece? It's a published piece of legislation.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@Indieoriginal Unfair competition? Is that why I was reading an interview with a trans athlete that said she lost the 9 competitions to her competitor and that when she won one, which she worked equally hard for, all of a sudden it was unfair? I'm just curious on that. I mean obviously she's won at least some but I mean there was little difference.

If cisgendered females suck at sports, it's not going to get any better if trans people were removed, talent is talent, you either have it or you should find something you're good at and move on.
Northwest · M
My daughter plays for her college soccer team. They've been lobbying for this for a very long time, especially that the USA Women's team brought home the only World Cup trophies the US ever won.

Long overdue!
RedBaron · M
The important thing is that it happened, not who gets credit, if anyone. And yet, here you are, wringing your hands about it as though some grave injustice is being done. If you were more selective about what you scream about, you wouldn’t seem so shrill and holier-than-all. Just a thought.
RedBaron · M
@Graylight Why do you feel the need to be nasty? And you consider yourself quite the enlightened one.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@RedBaron My personality is about who I am. My attitude is about who you are.

And this new sheep tactic - the one where you guys can't believe anyone gets worked up about 'what, me?' - other than being boring, isn't very effective.
RedBaron · M
@Graylight I don't care. I was offering constructive criticism. You obviously are too thick to accept it in the spirit intended, and you don't come across as a very nice person. That's ironic considering how much you criticize and consider yourself superior to others.
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
They only cared about women's sports once the trans sports controversy arose.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
Did they sign a contract agreeing to the wages?
justanothername · 51-55, M
It’s the commercial reality of sport. Professional sports people should get equal prize money/sponsorship regardless of gender.
Changeisgonnacome · 61-69, F
It's up to big soccer what sort of image and atmosphere they want to have. It's private property
justanothername · 51-55, M
Interesting article, thanks for sharing.

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