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A new equal-pay agreement between the United States men's and women's teams has been hailed as potentially "changing the game around the world".
US Soccer has announced the teams will pool their World Cup prize money, along with their share of television and sponsorship revenues. BBC World News
US Soccer has announced the teams will pool their World Cup prize money, along with their share of television and sponsorship revenues. BBC World News
Thanks, GOP members, Republicans voters and conservatives alike. I'm sure the accolades all go to you and your tireless championing of women's sports rights. Out there on the frontlines and at the polls, refusing to rest until women were fairly compensated, a battle decades in the fighting. So many times it felt oddly lonely when echoes of "they don't generate revenue" and "men just do some things better" took up the silence.
Surely they were never your voices, the same voices that continue to safeguard the sanctity and community gel that is women's sports. No one who doesn't check the right box will be allowed. Taller, fitter, longer muscles, better lungs, O2 recovery time,'s all fine until that dreaded "would you like to share your private business with us?" box. But we've got you to rally around it, just as no doubt you tirelessly pushed until finally, at last, women were fairly compensated. Or we would have you to thank, if any of you really cared enough to even know this was a story today.