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The fleecing of America, US money/foreign aid to Ukraine, escaping through the back door?

Your Tax Dollars at Work: Ukrainian Officials Keep Getting Caught Fleeing Country with Suitcases Full of Cash and Euros

When will the corruption stop, when will the fleecing of the American taxpayers' dollars end?

Are you all still happy we are sending money to Ukraine? When will you people wake up to the fact that the people running your government are criminals? And the money of your's they are sending to other countries never gets to the people of those countries?

The whole world is run by criminals, evil is out of control and you the American taxpayer are being taken for an idiot....wake up .....Start holding the corrupt people accountable for their crimes! Be informed and vote only if you truly know what's going on......

cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I don’t know how to post a link to click on to for a video with this Ipad, but here’s a photo of the video on you tube that I think people should watch. This is an American speaking about going over there to volunteer and what’s really going on with what he’s witnessed.

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