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Biden’s Marxist Treasury Nominee Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on Fossil Fuel Industry: “We Want Them to go Bankrupt if We Want to Tackle Climate Chang

Biden’s Marxist Treasury Nominee Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on Fossil Fuel Industry: “We Want Them to go Bankrupt if We Want to Tackle Climate Change”

Joe Biden’s pick for Comptroller of the Currency, Saule Omarova, was born and raised in communist USSR.

She refuses to hand over her university thesis on Marxism she wrote when she was in school in the USSR.

In a newly uncovered video, Omarova admitted her goal is to bankrupt the coal, oil and gas industry in order to usher in a ‘green’ agenda.

Link to video

“Here what I’m thinking about is primarily the coal and oil and gas industry. A lot of the smaller players in that industry are going to probably go bankrupt in short order, at least we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change, right?” Saule Omarova said in a clip uncovered by the American Accountability Foundation.

Omarova made the remarks during a “Social Wealth” seminar in March and was uncovered on Tuesday by the conservative research group AAF.

This methodology seems typical of the Biden administration. Kill the fossil fuel industry before there's viable alternatives - some people may die or suffer - and that is acceptable collateral damage.

Biden did the same kind of thing in Afghanistan - pull out our military and THEN announce we're leaving, and stranding hundreds maybe thousands of people to suffer and die.
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ArishMell · 70-79, M
Without becoming embroiled in your nation's lively domestic politics, have you, like me, noticed THE one fact missing from all the "leave the oil underground" campaigning and politics?

The one thing I have heard no journalist ask about either?

Nothing to do with politics or economics, but a simple fact I learnt half a century ago in school; probably Primary School at that.

It is this -

Petroleum is a fossil yes, but it is NOT.. I repeat NOT.. a "fossil fuel".

Fuels are derived from it, yes; but so is a very wide range of other compounds for all manner of materials and products on we have all come to rely.

An immediate example? Look no further than the instrument on which you are reading this. Or at any number of substances, objects and purposes around your home, car, garden, in medicines, at work, etc., etc. Beyond that, the construction and operation of battery-driven vehicles, solar arrays, wind-turbines, nuclear-power stations, all the public utilities and services....

And many of those raw and finished-product materials on which those rely, presently have no practical, enviromentally-sustainable alternatives....

(Simiarly with coal - No end of people who should know, do not know the difference between Iron and Steel; have no idea that coal is not used for making Steel; nor why that until practical alternatives become widely available, coal and limestone are still fundamental to extracting Iron from its ore.)


The whole field is too world-wide and too serious for petty political partisanship in individual countries. Above your politics, I see Saule Ormerova as yet another example of gigantic point-missing by politicians and officials barely knowing "energy" from "power" and their measurement units.

I do not know anything else about this lady but whatever you want us to think about her party loyalties, if you have quoted her fairly she seems as ignorant of school-level science and engineering as that Greta Tornberg lass.

Now, as a foreigner I am neutral on Saule Ormerova's politics; but I see much the same, serious, basic technical illiteracy in far too many politicians of all parties in many nations, including mine.

A little learning is said to be dangerous. Most of those politicians and campaigners, including Tornberg and perhaps Ormerova, mean well; but far too many seem to have forgotten any learning in the first place.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@ArishMell Well done ArishMell!
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Budwick Thank you!
@ArishMell Omerova if you will, has been around the block . Greta Thurmburgbis no one in this matter.
Your post brings up some very good points. Thanks,
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@soar2newhighs Thank you. I'd not heard of Omerova until reading Budwick's post above, but the Press and BBC in the UK fawn over Miss Tornberg as if she's some sort of new messiah.
@ArishMell She’s an 18 !y/o who is pushed by older people to do their bidding. She’s a female version of Biden another loser who is pushed by his handlers. And both of them make asses of themselves when touting climate change.
@ArishMell Until he started running for the WH, I never gave any thought to him , but Biden has come across as a sneak, a very deceitful person, a man willing to sell himself to get what he wanted and I am starting to believe he has a disdain for this nation. And it’s citizens.
IMO he is owned by a faction of Communists in and around our government but is comfortable with it because it took him nearly 50 years to be in the Oval office where he now resides, thanks to them.
His connections and relationships with China are at least, questionable as they Are with Russia and Ukraine and possibly Iran.
His spotlight on the world stage as a leader has dimmed significantly. Here in the US, the lights are out!
He’s too hard pressed to change course with the things he’s done in the last 10 months , because age, mental and physical challenges and very low ratings in popularity with the American people are the nails that will seal him
In his metaphorical coffin. But when you sell your soul sometimes the benefits are limited then you’re cast onto the trash bin of history.
Msharsh · 46-50, F
@ArishMell to really lower hydrocarbons go with natural gas
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Msharsh That is certainly a very clean fuel but its combustion still produces carbon-dioxide (and water).

The call to stop extracting coal and petroleum though, goes beyond the matter of fules. It neglects the point that they provide raw materials not available in any other sustainable way, or not available at all.
laotzu92 · 70-79, M
@Msharsh That isn't good enough for the climate religionists.
ArishMell · 70-79, M
@Msharsh@laotzu92 By co-incidence I was talking today about natural-gas fired domestic boilers with a friend who is a registered gas-fitter and heating installer.

He told me the major heating-boiler manufacturers are already making them capable of using natural-gas diluted with hydrogen, (ultimately just hydrogen), simply by adjustments built into the design.