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@Budwick you are turning yourself into a determined spreader of lies, and that's sad. What's next, you block me for telling the truth? I agree that everyone should make up their own mind, but you should not try and alter that process by spreading outright lies.

Thirty-four more people have died after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) said yesterday, adding that none of the autopsies performed so far have connected post-vaccination deaths to the shots.
. . .
Ten more autopsies on people who died after receiving COVID-19 vaccinations have been performed, bringing the total completed to 26, Chuang said.

Twenty-three of them showed the cause of death to be related to chronic health conditions, one was the result of asphyxia after choking on food and two were due to cervical fractures, he said.

Based on the autopsy results, none of the deaths appeared to have been caused by the vaccines, he added.

Taiwan has recorded 16,321 Covid cases with 846 Covid deaths - a 5% death rate; presumably mostly among the elderly. Taiwan has a population of 23,870,000, so to keep they case and death totals so low, it shows their isolation measures worked remarkably well.
... is a cause of anaphylaxis
DUUUDE!!! Look up the definition of anaphylaxis - it's not choking, it's an allergic reaction! You probably confused it with asphyxiation; you're out of your league.

And that's why they hold you for 15 min after getting the vaccine (30 min if you've ever had anaphylaxis) - so they can hit you with an EpiPen (epinephrine injection) if you go into anaphylaxis. It's all part of the vaccination protocol, dude!
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@doong VAERs numbers are your absolute ceiling, and vast majority of cases that end up there will not be linked to vaccines. And still the risks are dramatically lower than that of catching COVID unvaccinated.
sputnik · 70-79, M
It's all full of controversy

No, it’s not

Why are you lying?

newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
845 deaths linked to the virus


Stop lying

Why are you trying to harm people?

Do you have some inherent hatred of humanity?

Or are you merely trying to bolster your own ego by pretending to be ‘in the know’

If so, you need more than the NTD ‘news’ service run by the Falun Gong cult
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@InOtterWords Exactly! it’s time we all stopped humouring these muppets, stopped entertaining their blatant lies, and held them responsible for their incredibly self-serving behaviour.

Perhaps if they went and actually learned something useful they’d have less time for malicious mischief
Budwick · 70-79, M
held them responsible

MAybe you could hold us all down and vaccinate us!
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Budwick Are you a child - do you need Mummy to explain everything to you!

This sort of behaviour from an adult in a developed society is just pathetic. Stand aside - there are hundreds of millions in the world who will happily climb over you for the chance to be vaccinated.
GJOFJ3 · 61-69, M
As of Monday, the CECC had reported a total of 653 post-vaccination deaths from 10.25 million vaccine doses administered in Taiwan to date, with 416 of them involving people over the age of 75.

Among the deaths, 536 received the AstraZeneca brand of vaccine while the rest received the Moderna vaccine.

A total of 145 autopsies of the 653 deceased have been completed so far, with 139 indicating no direct link to the COVID-19 vaccine and six cases still undetermined, according to CECC.
To put this in perspective Taiwan reported 16,321 cases of COVID-19 with 863 deaths, a 5% death rate which is 833 times greater death rate than the vaccine
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@GJOFJ3 Damn, 16k cases? Taiwan controlled the shit out of this virus.
curiosi · 61-69, F
The obvious is right in their faces as VARS has reported more deaths since the vax was released then in the past ten years. Considering it is not required to report to VARS and most health care don't that is huge. Yet the ignorance is unbelievable as the sheep still defend the death jab!
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
That’s what happens when you vaccinate ten million people, and keep your total covid cases to 16k.

That said AZ really is the worst vaccine out there, should be discontinued worldwide. Still much safer than catching covid, of course.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
dancingtongue · 80-89, M
Proving once again the value of having a strong FDA regulatory process to assure the safety of vaccines like Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, since Taiwan chose to rush their own domestic version of a vaccine into use without the scrutiny of Phase III clinical trials.
A few key words/ phrases here: Rush, “ follow the science”, money, big pharma, testing, politicizing, power grabs, agendas, fear tactics, “ breakthroughs”, boosters. They all fit various narratives depending on how one perceived/ is influenced by them..
Carazaa · F
I haven't heard that. Here that is not true. However, In Sweden and some other places they have outlawed Moderna Vaccine for kids because there is an indication it might effect their hearts. They will give them pfizer vaccine though.
But they had their own homegrown vaccine that got criticism...
Ceinwyn · 26-30, F
How many more?
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Ceinwyn It's right there in the post, Sparky!

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