JoeMW · 51-55, M
Gosh, it's almost like people forgot that Trump came up with the full withdrawal and when Biden stayed longer than the original schedule Fox news said that Biden was committed to forever war
Northwest · M
What would that be? that the end of every US foreign engagement, not matter how much planning goes into it, is always chaotic?
LamontCranston · M
People, esecially Biden apologists, should watch Leon Panetta's interview with MSNBC yesterday and his other comments like"Bay of Pigs moment".
1. There had recently been only 2500 American troops in Afghanistan and no American deaths in 18 months. There was a successful prevention of Taliban control while we had airpower and intelligence there.
2. Even if you believe there should have been a withdrawal, this one was so badly botched that it is a scandal. Even Kamala Harris could have handled it better.
1. There had recently been only 2500 American troops in Afghanistan and no American deaths in 18 months. There was a successful prevention of Taliban control while we had airpower and intelligence there.
2. Even if you believe there should have been a withdrawal, this one was so badly botched that it is a scandal. Even Kamala Harris could have handled it better.
Ynotisay · M
@LamontCranston This has been circled on the calendar for a long time. Trump brokered the deal and Biden extended the withdrawal. We've spent countless billions preparing the Afghan forces. Training and equipment. Now I know how quickly some like to get themselves off by blaming a President for shit, any President, but has it even crossed your mind that the Afghan leadership failed in every way? I mean. their freaking President grabbed what he could and left the country. The failure, if it is one, is on the Afghans. And as long as they, and any country imposes Islam as the state religion, this kind of shit will continue to happen. So put the blame where it lies if you need. Unless you're just trying to get yourself to "Bad Biden." That's on you.
The "Saigon on Steroids" was quoting civil rights attorney Kimberly Motley who worked on Afghanistan issues for thirteen (13) years. It was her plea to the U.S. military to send troops.
Stopmakingsense · 61-69, F
The first report I saw was from PBS, a lady standing in Kabul saying there was no rush to get out.