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The democrats have just found out, if they can’t cheat, they can’t win,

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The big Lie, part three

EVERY state certified the win Including every RED state
is it your position that all those republican Attorney General is a Secret democrat???

ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher money talks
@ididntknow so every republican official in every red state took a bribe. a bribe SO BIG that not one of them blew the whistle.
CRY BABY! yr boy lost, replay all the crap you folks said in the last election. where your guy did NOT get the most votes either
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher if you were reasonable, and not childish, ie, cry baby, you’d be able to look at the facts, I don’t mean CNN, MSNBC, facts, I mean real facts, you’d be able to see the truth, as is, but you never will, because you’re happy to believe all the propaganda placed in front of you, I’ll get ready for your vile abusive reply, shall I
@ididntknow site your sour5ces then
and no brietbart and OAN dont count.
again your postulation requred dozend of life lang republicans were bought off
you can, there are none, unless your with mr PilloW Talk

at least your name is accurate!
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher so is yours
@ididntknow Yes it IS my accurate name. I study the transmission of diseases, my regular work has been put on hold to help with this pandemic
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher I find it easier if people find their own sources, seek, and ye shall find, I find most leftists wouldn’t want the truth, if it smacked them in their face, most are fast asleep and like it that way, I’d recommend watching 1984, and animal farm, it’ll give you a little idea as to what’s happening in America today
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@ididntknow I thought someone of your intelligence would be able to see through all the propaganda
@ididntknow that you spilt all positions as left or right
shows an incomplete worldview.

I do not subscribe to the political dual-monopoly that is republi-dems

can you recall where the terms left and right started? it's a fascinating bit of history

lets back off being hot with each other, i really prefer civil discourse and the use of Rhetorical logic

ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher would you say, the democrats hat gone way to the left, tyrannical
@ididntknow i oppose authoritarianism of the left and the right.
BOTH of these "sides" have moderates both have extremists, I reject this
I am a "Radical centrist!"
yes the screed of the ultra left is wrong, so are the rants of the ultra right.
@plaguewatcher That's because no Republican actually thought Trump won. They pushed the lie when they realized a ton of really stupid people believe the election was cheated. Lot's of people means lots of vote for themselves...if they told the lie too. So every Republican....almost...jumped on the big lie bandwagon. The fact is......tapes of conversations were just released yesterday where Rump (ass face) told the DOJ to just say th lie publicly...."the election was a fraud"---and because he is the master of lying..."he would do the rest". And he did......and he still is........because people are still stupid enough to believe it.
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@anythingoes477 sorry to burst your indoctrinated bubble, but you are totally wrong
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@anythingoes477you are right!

you are wrong. @ididntknow why didnt the republicans that WON with the same ballot the same system the same day, contest their own elections?
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher you stick to what you believe in your world, it’ll sort itself out
@ididntknow yes it will I am counting on it. it would not bother me that you and your ilk choose to try to battle disease with ignorance, like Michael Freedy. you may share his fate


However you and your ilk are RESPONSIBLE for having allowed the conditions that made DELTA possible]

you do not have the right, to endanger others
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher 😂 All you doing, is repeating what Biden and democrats are pushing on their propaganda news channels, CNN etc, you aren’t thinking for yourself or finding your information by yourself, you are just regurgitating the propaganda that is being pushed out, Get ready for another lockdown, that’s what this is all about, as I said, you stick with what you want to believe, no problem
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher you’d think, if the Delta variant was so contagious, illegal immigration into America through the southern border, would be stopped immediately, do you think it’s odd, that if you wish to come in through the border, that’s fine, but if you’re a Cuban trying to escape communism, you are turned around, and sent directly back to Cuba, why would you say that is ?
@ididntknow no,. thats what YOU do
why all you folks think everyone else is your mirror image?

I do my own research my own fact checking and all the way back to original sources
you just quote your tucker carlson rush limbaugh reality

there is YOU and everyone else.
or to quote

you are the ones that believe ,you and Your Kind, should be on top, unquestionably In Charge, ruling over all others NOT one of Themselves.

those of us below? need to shut up, and stay in their place and obey without resistance.
or be punished or killed.
In the Worse Cases,you want to convert or exterminate those not of Their Kind
some of you guys are Americans, on the hard left AND the extreme right.

some of these guys Claim Religion. "our god and our way is the only way the rest of you are dammed, and are less than human." like Christian Nationalists, or Islamic Fundamentalists.

some of you guys claim heritage. "My People have ruled for generations, thus proving our superiority" The Old nobility, the colonial powers. or just those that won the last war..

some of these guys claim race, "all Gweilo are Just animals." or "White means Right"...

no matter where they start, they all have one thing in common

We should rule, others should be ruled, or eradicated.

there are many of you guys in SW and all cross America
millions of them

you cannot tolerate those not like yourselves
and that is the rest of us. all Colors creed and kinds
@ididntknow https://www.conservapedia.com/Logical_fallacy

saw this here,
seems legit
go learn from it, then reexamine your last post
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher I actually don’t watch tucker carlson
ididntknow · 51-55, M
@plaguewatcher stick with your beliefs, if you’re happy, all good,
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@plaguewatcher except...

Sen. Ted Cruz, Texas
Sen. Mike Braun, Indiana
Sen. John Kennedy, Louisiana
Sen. Ron Johnson, Wisconsin
Sen. Steve Daines, Montana
Sen. James Lankford, Oklahoma
Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Tennessee
Sen. Bill Haggerty, Tennessee
Rep. Paul Gosar, Arizona
Rep. Randy Weber, Oklahoma
Rep. Mo Brooks, Alabama
Rep. Andy Biggs, Arizona
Rep. Jim Jordan, Ohio
Rep. Madison Cawthorn, North Carolina
Rep. Scott Perry, Pennsylvania
Rep. Mike Kelly, Pennsylvania
Rep. Burgess Owens, Utah
Rep. John Rose, Tennessee
Rep. Bill Posey, Florida
Rep. Jeff Duncan, South Carolina
Rep. Brain Babin, Texas
Rep. Louie Gohmert, Texas
Rep. Brian Mast, Florida
Rep. Warren Davidson, Ohio
Rep. Andy Harris, Maryland
Rep. Steven Palazzo, Mississippi
Rep. Doug Lamborn, Colorado
Rep. Kat Cammack, Florida
Rep. Tracey Mann, Kansas
Rep. Bob Good, Virginia
Rep. Adrian Smith, Nebraska
Rep. Billy Long, Missouri
Rep. Jack Bergman, Michigan
Rep. Michael Cloud, Texas
Rep. Rick Crawford, Arkansas
Rep. Roger Williams, Texas
Rep. Bob Gibbs, Ohio
Rep. Russ Fulcher, Idaho
Rep. Ted Budd, North Carolina
Rep. Barry Moore, Alabama
Rep. Lee Zeldin, New York
Rep. Jake LaTurner, Kansas
Rep. David Rouzer, North Carolina
Rep. Jason Smith, Missouri
Rep. Lauren Boebert, Colorado
Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, Tennessee
Rep. Tim Burchett, Tennessee
Rep. Chris Jacobs, New York
Rep. Andrew Clyde, Georgia
Rep. Lance Gooden, Texas
Rep. Diana Harshbarger, Tennessee
Rep. Mary Miller, Illinois
Rep. Mark Green, Tennessee
Rep. Ron Estes, Kansas
Rep. Neal Dunn, Florida
Rep. Ronny Jackson, Texas
Rep. Ralph Norman, South Carolina
Rep. Joe Wilson, South Carolina
Rep. Vicky Hartzler, Missouri
Rep. Scott Des Jarlais, Tennessee
Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, Georgia
Rep. Doug LaMalfa, California
Rep. Ben Cline, Virginia
Rep. Michael Rogers, Alabama
Rep. Markwayne Mullin, Oklahoma
Rep. Pat Fallon, Texas
Rep. Jeff Duncan, South Carolina
Amylynne · 26-30, F
@wildbill83 wait! what? Those guys objected to there own wins?
I thin they just objected to the Biden Win.
Not there own victories
you got a quote i can research?