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Who to vote for

** Reject politicians who speak abusively of humans in their own lives. Don't forget YOU have humans of different races, genders or ability levels in your own family and you LOVE them.
** Reject politicians who run on platforms full of things that are not within the powers of the office they run for. They count on your being ignorant.
** Reject politicians who speak in divisive terms: "You know what those ___ do", "They are ruining your city/state/country". Hey we're all Americans here!
** Reject politicians who can only talk about their opponent. Hey buddy, what are YOU made of?
If a politician hates certain people, their opponents, other kinds of Americans, and your informed-level then HOW can they love your state?
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pattycakechamp · 26-30, F
So basically, don't vote for anyone that runs.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@pattycakechamp Politicians run on the platforms they think people will most respond to. Stop responding to the low-hanging fruit and they'll stop picking it up off the ground.
xmedleft · 51-55, M
@pattycakechamp I mean this IS why some people don't vote. BUT I encourage everyone to vote. BUT it's like shopping in stores. Most people will just shop anywhere. AAANNNYYYWHHERE. But shopping is really voting with your bucks. If you found out that a company's side business was clubbing baby seals in the parking lot -- every location, 14 a day -- and if you loved baby seals and there was a way to live without that store... then you'd shop elsewhere, no?
Before I tell you this it's necessary to understand I LOVE CHIC-FIL-A sandiches!!
BUT it came out about 10 years ago that their charitable giving went through a company that donated a significant share of proceeds to so-called gay de-programming camps. Yeah, places that parents would send their gay children to be un-gayed. I don't care where you stand on homosexuality, but I think we can all agree that children should be treated well. Most of these camps receiving Chic-Fil-A money use techniques on kids that are banned by the Geneva Conventions as war crimes. I just recently started eating at CFA again, after they changes whom they had handling their charities.
I voted, along with a couple of million Americans, and we won. CFA listened.
You CAN choose your politicians.
If Evan McMullen, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson hadn't run and Colin Powell, John Kaisich, Bernie Sanders and Ron Paul hadn't "stolen" electors then Donald Trump would never have been president, not in 2016 -- not ever. in all those cases someone did SOMEthing opposing or favoring a candidate that was unconventional and that perfect storm shifted that election in 2016.
So @Graylight is right, demand better from politicians and vote against those that don't rise to your expectations.
In my state we've got a guy running for Governor and all his platform planks are aimed at the "enemy" -- who has served us well, or promise things that cannot be done -- not in his power. The opponent points out things that have been done that were successes that helped people in the past and raises do-able realistic goals that will benefit the largest swath of people in the future.
Guess who I'm voting for.

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