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You know Trump is right when he said people coming over will be Trojan horse of America collapsing.

As a left wing conspiracy theorist Trump my be right that illegals and refugees might be a Trojan horse in America . But, all this hate in America is a reaction of the hate that goes on the U.S against minorities, plus half of the world doesn't think we are fighting for freedom. America has sowed it's path to destruction this includes Western Europe too. I don't think their is a point turning back, I think this will lead or has lead to mass nationalism or a mild form of Nazism in U.S, partially from the right. If Trump makes America great again(white) I seriously doubt he will stick to right wing economics. I think Trump is smart but also I see him as Hitler.
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yllacsar · 46-50, M
Ok pure is the PCP you're smoking ??
yllacsar · 46-50, M
@PsychoMantis: define inductive versus deductive reasoning - HERE-NOW - NO google - you have NO critical nor anaytical thinking skill -NONE -
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
@yllacsar: lol you are so fucking stupid it's laughable, you your not a free thinker and lack critical thinking.
yllacsar · 46-50, M
I'll take that as YOU DON'T know....making YOU the idiot who lacks any critical thinking

Which is plainly obvious by your senseless babble
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katielass · F
He's simply bought into the lie that trump campaigned on a platform of hate. It is not hate to want emigrants vetted before a lowing them into our country, especially when they are coming from terrorist nations. It is not hate to want our immigration laws enforced. If that was hate, we'd be the last bastion of un hate because EVERY other country enforces their immigration laws. It's pure bullshit and everyone but nut jobs know it.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
@Katielass: Actually their is mistrust of people of who are non white. All this illegal immigration is influx of United States fucking with other countries internal affairs. Read some history before you spill your b.s. Why do you think David Duke supports deportation of illegal immigrants and building a wall. Because this will stop whites from becoming a minority in their own country. If you are piss about illegal immigration over a bigger issues such of wealth inequality their is a high chance you are a bigot and racist. Not only that Conservatives Republicans don't want amnesty for the people already living here, yet the majority of this people are not harden criminals they are decent people that wish for a better life.
katielass · F
And now we know how nut jobs are born.
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
nut jobs? Let me tell something at one point scientist were sought to be crazy because people didn't understand their ideas, well this form of thinking still persists.
I would be interested in seeing the US fall apart and even breaking apart
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
it is Empire and Rome doesn't exist.
People don't read and are incapable of critical thinking. History might as well not exist
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
@VampiricPersona: Well moral society is measure by their righteousness.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
All people coming from another country should be vetted we have let so many in the UK criminals rapists murderers and drug dealers who wants that sort of person let in that's not racisdm its common sense
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
Proved it in the UK our prisons have more immigrants in them who have committed crimes,look at Germany Merkel welcomed everyone just to look good now look at there problems immigration should be good for the country
PsychoMantis · 36-40, M
@Nyloncapes: Well I'm I have my own theology, and I will say it's true but the majority of people just want a better life.
Nyloncapes · 61-69, M
Psycho agree with you if they want a better life then they are welcome here in the UK people are not against immigration, but want it controlled we are only small country, and it is putting a big strain on our services open immigration, and loads are coming here to just take all our benefits and this is what is causing tension and racism

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