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Are you as disappointed in our country as I am?

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BatRinseRepeat · 31-35, F
Packed in all the lies told on both sides, there were two true things:

"You have no idea how angry people are."
"Anger isn't a plan."

I'll be disappointed if we can't learn from any of this.
getmeouttahere · 36-40, F
No, this is how tired people are of political corruption. I blame the Dems for allowing Clinton to be their candidate. When it comes to corruption she's up there with the worst of them. This was just the expected result to a really bad decision made by the Democratic Party.
shadowplay · 26-30, M
nothing like i felt for the last 8 years.
LadyxAvidan · 36-40, F
Highly disappointed and very worried.
Not really.. I expected it.
I have been for a while.
Disappointed and a little scared.
More surprised by my beleif that there is still hope for this World.
shadowplay · 26-30, M
we elected obozo twice would be stupid to do it again
I guess the World has 4 years to find out...

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