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Do you want USA to go communist?

Poll - Total Votes: 22
Yes, I believe Trump is our new King forever more
No, we are much better off having free elections
Maybe, if we went communist, then Trump would be King, and we could be like North Korea or Russia.
No, I don't want communism in America, but I still want Trump to be our forever leader
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It is well known that Trump was trying to think of a way to extend the 2 term limit. He was planning to implement that before the end of his second term. He wants what Putin and Kim Jong-Un have, full control over everything, forever. This is his goal. In order to achieve it, he needs a revolution, with all of the people that voted for him, unknowingly working to crown him King of America. Then it will be an easy task to throw out the constitution, and remake it.
But is America OK with becoming Communist?
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CountScrofula · 41-45, M
What on earth do you think communism is? Can you define it?
@CountScrofula Thank u Count.

I've been eagerly looking for a chance to peek in and wave atcha
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@CountScrofula 👋

HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
Communism isn't synonymous with dictatorship lol, it may use dictatorship, but fascism does too.
empanadas · 31-35, M
@HannibalAteMeOut i doubt it, people are crazy af right now in the usa. they make up stupid shit on both sides that doesn't make sense
@empanadas @HannibalAteMeOut
Honestly it's all giving me de ja vu from 7 years ago when the Egyptian military removed the Islamists from office via a coup. Till this day both sides are full of shit. One side thinking that the country is perfect and spotless and would die for the current president and then the Islamists who are dreaming about getting power back and blaming everything on the military, they are hiding away in Turkey and speaking shit about the country all day and Ordoghan is more than happy to protect them.
It's all bs both sides are wrong.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
@PiecingBabyFaceTogether this is what we call "there's a cliff on the front and a torrent behind" in greek lol both situations are fucked up. Why can't there be any normal people in power for once 😪
Sighs. At this point, we couldn't get it together to go Communist if we tried. I'm not saying it might not be a problem down the road, but right now, our domestic problems seem to have more to do with anarchists, narcissists and fascists, despite what some of those folks and they're supporters are crowing about.
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@MistyCee Amen sister. We’ve lost our way to the swamp..
Without him, you’ll see this pathway more likely.
@KrackerBash Remove them from your eyes, they are meant to be eaten, not to be used as blinders.
@UreBesFrend Uh uh. They’re softening my smile lines to prepare for 4 years of smirks and “I told you so” laughs.
@KrackerBash This argument was said many times 4 years ago, and there are a LOT of "I told you so"'s going around now.
Confined · 56-60, M
I believe under Biden we will be a communist nation. He is a communist and fully supports socialism. China and Russia will move in on us. Our country is in grave danger under Biden.
Trump kept China and Russia at bay but I still believe in term limits. He has done good things for the country and he has done bad things. He is like any past president, some good some bad. So hopefully the good things he has started will stick around, and the bad things can be fixed.
Republican or Democrat, I believe our country is in grave danger right now.
StoopKid · 36-40, M
@Confined I hear people say this every four years.
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walabby · M
@Confined You guys have NO chance of becoming communist under any president. You don't seem to know the meaning of the word.
He probably doesn't even know what that is. He pretty much just wants to be an Arab dictator 😅 he said it himself "The Egyptian president is my favorite dictator" he is mad that he can't do that even though he ruled the most powerful country on the planet. That's my theory anyway plus his 450 Billion dollars deal with Saudi Arabia remember?
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
We have to be careful of these communo anarcho socialist marxism cultural fascist anti-fascist liberal neo-cons. They're everywhere.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@CheshireCatalyst Wild that the Communist Manifesto ended in "Just literally implement every past and future political system at once."
CheshireCatalyst · 36-40, M
@CountScrofula equality extended to its zenith. Classic communism.
Do you know what "go communist" means?
Lucia · 36-40
@LamontCranston Well neither does 95 % of the US population - so wouldn't be surprised if the author got confused about which side of the floor communism belongs to.
StoopKid · 36-40, M
@Lucia Most Americans couldn't pass a 7th-grade civics course, but they think they can educate you on communism.
@LamontCranston You are correct. This topic should have been about Dictatorship, not Communism. At least with Communism the people get a share of things, with a Dictator, like Trump, all the money funnels to him.
Budwick · 70-79, M
It is well known that Trump was trying to think of a way to extend the 2 term limit

No one knows that - no one.
Graylight · 51-55, F
Of course.'s why I voted for Biden.
@Graylight The problem with your comment is that you probably are serious.
Graylight · 51-55, F
@LamontCranston No, the problem with my comment is that right-wingers will swallow it while.
as long as it goes away and comes back clean and honorable

don't care what they call it
Rocknrod · 61-69, M
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
The left and their endless conspiracy theories
Lucia · 36-40
@DownTheStreet I fear both extremes - left as well as right - more than anything else. It is bound to lead to conflict if it doesn't stop.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
@Lucia it sells advertising space on cable news, and drives political contributions ... ugh
Lucia · 36-40
@DownTheStreet The algorithms that make idiots connect with other idiots will be the end of us all.
Tracos · 51-55, M
a bit more people oriented would not be a bad development I think, but thats still a long way from communism
@Tracos So you are OK with Trump being your King forever after?
Tracos · 51-55, M
@UreBesFrend most definitely not!! and I think that in the US the preseident holds way to much individual power regardless of who is president. a president that doesnt abuse that power might use the power wisely, but a bit more balance and prevention of erratic decrees and executive orders would be a good thing from my perspective.

a democracy means representation. not the selection of a 4 year dictator
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
If they want him to be in charge then how are they unknowing?
StoopKid · 36-40, M
Remove the word "unknowingly," because they know.
Slade · 56-60, M
It already went communist or at least socialist. You can not friggen call this democracy
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Tres13 · 51-55, M
So fucken deep bro
Azlotto · M
Hell no...Why would anyone want that?
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[@Stereoguy I didn't pull off anything. And the coup you are talking about is fiction. It's not real. I'm an American citizen. If either party tried what Trump alleges I'd speak out. Trump hasn't shown anything resembling proof. He just says stuff and his followers believe him. You don't need proof. Thankfully the rest of America does. And conspiracy theories on the net aren't proof. They're the ramblings of sad little men living in their mother's basements who need something to do between playing video games and watching pornhub. And when Trump fans hit their sites and pass on their BS it gives some kind of distorted meaning to their sad little lives.
I believe you are better than this.
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@Stereoguy Strangely nobody has ever seen those videos you are referring to, because they are not posted on mainline media. They do no exist on Facebook, and none of them were ever entered as evidence. If you have some evidence, post it up, let's have a look at it, as well as the Source, and see who is more crazy. Somehow I doubt you will reply to this with any proof.
You are pushing the dictators wishes, nothing else.

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