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Who is it gonna be folks?

Poll - Total Votes: 9
Bernie Breadline Sanders
Donald the Duck Trump
Email server McHillary
The other guy
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Who is gonna be our next prez?
Top | New | Old
Picklebobble · 56-60, M
I'll guarantee you it'll be Mr. Magoo masquerading as Mickey Mouse.
Indieoriginal · 61-69, M
If there was any sanity left in the nation, it would be Johnson. A choice between Hilliary and a conveniently-turned-Republican Orange Hilliary is not a choice any sane person would want to make.
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
Whomever the oligarchs want. Hillary is busy trying to woo them. Trump, not as much.
GoldenWorm · 51-55, M
@Indie, that's hillarious.
Bryce7454 · 22-25, M
hippejoe1955 Lest's leave the names to me. ;)
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I wondered how you Yanks picked your leaders when BJ Clinton was elected. I thought you had taken leave of your senses when you elected W I thought you should be institutionalized when you voted in Obama TWICE!!!! Now you are opting to vote for a kook a quack and a crook. Good luck with that.
Someone horrible.. That's all I know

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