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HeWaits56-60, F
How long were the voters dead? I think traditionally the democrats don鈥檛 use voters more than five years dead.
windinhishair61-69, M
@HeWaits I have no problem with voter ID as long as it is easy to obtain. You know as well as I do that it is used as a method of voter suppression in red states to prevent people from being able to vote. They know they can't win fair elections any more, so cheating is their last resort to sustain minority rule as long as possible.
HeWaits56-60, F
@windinhishair Somehow these people can manage an ID to buy liquor or get a library card or cash a check or buy a plane ticket but fail to have one for voting.
windinhishair61-69, M
@HeWaits Wrong, but lying has become the best predictor of Trump Cult membership. You know it is voter suppression, but can't admit it.

Now we know why Trump kept talking about voter fraud...his folks are committing it
Crazywaterspring61-69, M
@bookerdana Republican accusations are confessions.
@Crazywaterspring Called "projection"
Graylight51-55, F
Because nothing says 'freedumb' like suppressing the vote.
Crazywaterspring61-69, M
Republicans know they're unpopular. That's why they don't want people to vote. Void legal ballots and stop vote counting. They're masters at jacking elections.
windinhishair61-69, M
@Crazywaterspring Republicans can no longer win national elections, if they are fairly conducted. They have to rely on voter suppression, vote nullification, and other methods of cheating to stay in power with minority rule.
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windinhishair61-69, M
@LvChris That will need to be one of the first fixes under a Biden Presidency. Count everyone according to the Constitution.
JustNik51-55, F
If democrats did that, it would be cheating. 馃檮
WalksWith56-60, F
I wanted to just 'react' to this, but none of the emojis were expressing the feeling I have about this right now. So, I will say, this is bad, really genuinely bad. It seems to me, this is way beyond 'cheating' this is fascism level. Coupled with the 'tRump* parade' (they give themselves incredibly stupid nick names) trying to run a Biden/Harris campaign bus off a highway in Texas is not a good thing.
windinhishair61-69, M
@WalksWith Cultists in Texas are scared that the Democratic majority (yes, there are more Democrats registered in Texas than Republicans) will finally exercise that majority in the Presidential election. They are scared of losing minority rule, and will do anything to hold on to power.
Adaydreambeliever56-60, F
Ahh election manipulation again! Seems like that's the only way for Trump to win
windinhishair61-69, M
@Adaydreambeliever That's because it is.
on what proviso exactly 馃か @windinhishair
@windinhishair was this classed as a legitimate polling area maybe this is at attempt at sheer desperation to keep that idiot in the white house
windinhishair61-69, M
@smiler2012 Yes, it was a legal polling place set up by Harris County. Republicans tried to stop it in advance but it was rejected twice by the courts. Now that (mostly democratic) voters have cast ballots, they are trying to nullify them.
@windinhishair it shows the desperation of trumps republicans when it has be clarified as a legal polling station on two occasions think the republicans are begin to realise there chickens are coming home to roost
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windinhishair61-69, M
@LvChris Could be a function of when the data was reported and how many are using that venue. Either way, it is way too many whose votes are jeopardized.

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