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Why has 'socialism' become a dirty word ?

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Adstar · 56-60, M
Because socialism leads to the loss of freedoms and the loss of economic prosperity.. Socialism sux plain and simple.. It never works in the long term and leads to a Venezuelan or Zimbabwe style collapse..
@Adstar Wow. That is alot of buzzwords and cliches in one statement.
@Adstar Exactly.
@puck61 Figures you would back a dated cold war era cliche that is also factually incorrect.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Socialism is the womb of mediocrity. It is like standing in a bucket and trying to pick yourself up by the handle. If there is an organized movement to turn this country socialist, I will take up arms against the traitors without a seconds hesitation. That is my sworn duty as an American citizen.
@puck61 More cliched slogans that mean nothing and are factually incorrect and implies capitalism is the opposite which is factually wrong.

That is also factually incorrect. Socialism is long dead in the US and has not been a thing since FDR thanks to one of the most effective political purges in history.

And it surprises noone that an extremist like you would threaten violence against anyone who threatens the status quo you benefits you at the expense of others. That is not your duty as an American it is your delusion as a radical extremist.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You don't know the difference between facts and falsehoods. Another button off of someones shirt, You aren't much fun to talk with because you are so far out in left field you might as well call for a dog and beer.
@puck61 That would be you. You think slogans and feelings are facts because you like what it says. Reality is irrelevant to you. You are like a 13 year old who read Ayn Rand once and has no life experience to know it is bullshit.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Pffffft. Thanks but no thanks. Good luck.
Lickitysplit · 70-79, M
@puck61 And my sworn duty as well. I too took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, which I have done when I was called. I chose service to my country when I could have pursued more lucrative careers and jobs.

I have worked hard for my entire adult life, I was given little and have asked for nothing I have not earned. I am not wealthy and I know I will never be wealthy. Why? Because I have made choices throughout my life, some good ones, some bad ones, some that took me knowingly to where I am today because this is the life I chose. I know I could have had far more wealth than I have today but I chose other rewards than wealth. On the other hand, I studied far harder than many; I have worked far harder than most; and I have been fairly compensated for my contributions.

In a socialist society, at least theoretically, how hard I studied or worked would have had little to no effect on my rewards because, supposedly, although we all do not work as hard, we are all rewarded the same. A farmer who grows vegetables is told how many of those vegetables he can keep to feed his family. Most of his vegetables are taken by the state (the government) and redistributed to others, without regard to their contribution. Those who work hard and produce much, receive no more than those who refuse to work hard and produce nothing.

In fact, socialism is far worse than that. The reality in every socialist society has been a wealthy privileged Oligarchy that runs the Government, and then everyone else. Every socialist nation in modern history has proven itself an abject failure. Under Stalin, 20-million or more Russians were killed. Under Mao, 65-million or more Chinese were killed and millions more died of starvation. Millions of North Koreans have been killed under the Kim dynasty, Millions of Cambodians were killed under Pol Pot -- every one of these despots has led a supposedly utopian socialist nation, and each of them killed millions directly and starved millions more in their command-economies.

Will I fight if necessary, you can bet your sweet @ss I will fight, to the death if necessary.
@Lickitysplit Good to see you!
Adstar · 56-60, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Call it what you like .. But it is the truth.. And the truth wins out in the end..
Adstar · 56-60, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Dated?? Cold war?? Venezuela and Zimbabwe are NOW not back in the 1980's and you can add to that Eritrea and North Korea.. They are another two examples of socialist hells on earth TODAY..

Learn about the world a bit before you make a statement and make yourself look ignorant..
@Adstar You are using old cliches and neither Zimbabwe or Venezuela are socialist.

By that standard lets look at the capitalist wonders of Nigeria and Bangladesh.

You calling me ignorant is ironic.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow """You are using old cliche""" i have seen a few of your replies and this seems to be your go to line.. Tell you what it does not work.. It does not make you sound smarter or more knowledgebale because you clearly are are ignorant of the realities in this world and the basket cases that socialism creates in this world..

Oh and for your information the ruling political party in Bangladesh is the Leftists Awami league Party.. Yeah socialists.. And again the ruling political party in Nigeria is the All Progressive Congress party which is a Centre Leftist political party.. So yeah more socialists..

It is really grating to have to respond to an arrogant politically brainwashed leftist who knows nothing about the world but is only a product of the leftist hivemind.. Arrogance and ignorance is a hell of a combination and you have them both..
@Adstar Okay. First off just repeating my criticism of you is not a valid argument of anything. Repeating Fox News soundbites uncritically doesn't make you look like a genius either.

They are capitalist countries so they are by definition not socialist nations. Keep up.

By your definition you could call the Democrats and the Liberal Party of Canada marxist which is absurd.

That is rich coming from someone who has drunk the Fox News propaganda koolaid.

Good job projecting.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow You ignorant libtard, i an not even an American so i have NEVER Watched Fox news in my entire life... talk about projecting.. You hypocritical brain washed tool...

Talking to an ideologically possessed person like you is as talking to a brick wall.. people like you have to go through your own personal socialist experiment to experience the devastation for yourself before you will change.. Wow your near 40 years old and your still talk like a naive leftist who has just left university after having your brain dumbed down by lefitst professors.. Pathetic..
@Adstar Wow. Really going with childish name calling?

I am not American either but your views are straight out of the mouth of Sean Hannity so it was a very logical assumption.

And again more 50 year old cliches.