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So, according to Bolton, Trump "pleaded" with President Xi to help him win the election in November!

Doesn't look good for someone who is desperately trying (and failing) to paint Biden as being in Beijing's pocket. Pot and kettle anyone?
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
This is a great way to tell who is indoctrinated by left wing propaganda.

Chances are, you hate John Bolton, and up util this point, would ignore, refute or deny anything he said about world affairs and politics.

But, he writes a book with revelations you want to believe, suddenly he is a truth teller and everything he says in this book is bond.
Armellion · 26-30, M
@SumKindaMunster John Bolton is a paranoid warmonger and I'm glad he's gone. Nevertheless, I have no doubt that he's telling the truth as many of Trump's other "disgruntled" former employees say much the same thing. Should Trump win again in November (and he won't) this will lead to another impeachment.
JenKarl · 41-45, C
Well put. I believe actions over bullshit. Trump is the first President to stick it to China. If you want a favor you give things away like Obama Biden did not take things away. A few months ago it was China couldn’t wait for the election to get rid of Trump now they are helping re-elect him. The desperate Democrats take which ever side of an issue they think the media will promote for them. Truth is irrelevant to them.@SumKindaMunster
Armellion · 26-30, M
@JenKarl Does it not worry you that a foreign power is trying to help re-elect its preferred president? If it was Biden courting Beijing you would be furious. Don't therefore, talk to me about truth being irrelevant.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Nevertheless, I have no doubt that he's telling the truth

Exactly my point. These revelations fit into your already existing frame, and confirm your already existing biases. Therefore, to you, it must be true.
JenKarl · 41-45, C
First it was Russia helping. Then the facts came out that Hillary got Russian help so now it’s China. Yes countries you force to pay you money, close their main communications company from doing US business, send home “students” thought to be spies, those are reasons to help. You are just to stupid. Just because Obama And the Dems rig elections doesn’t mean others do it. You always accuse Trump of the things you are doing.@Armellion
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster John Bolton is an asshole. He has always been an asshole. But one thing he has not been is a liar. Then or now.

I love how you cultists believe that every Trump appointee who leaves the White House is somehow a "disgruntled employee" and out to get Trump. Maybe that is the case with one or two departures, but dozens? If a company had a 50-75% turnover rate, and all departing employees told a story of sexual harassment and illegal activity, would you continue to support the company and believe that all the stories were made up?
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@windinhishair I never made any claim about John Bolton's credibility. My point is about leftists conveniently believing people who they routinely dismiss, ignore, or shame when what the person says aligns with their already existing beliefs.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@JenKarl Yes, Russia helped Trump win the election in 2016. And they are helping now. It is illegal for a foreign entity to interfere in our elections. Trump solicited Ukraine for help in the current election by threatening to withhold already approved aid. That is well-documented and illegal. And now Trump is soliciting the same favor from China, which again is illegal. Trump doesn't even pretend to obey the law. He has a life history of lying and cheating, and he will never stop until he is six feet underground. He can't change it any more than his compulsion to have orange skin and a combover.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster And I dislike Bolton intensely, but I never believed he wasn't truthful, so your point is invalid.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@windinhishair I see, so you've spent time listening to John Bolton in the past, and have considered his opinions on Iran, North Korea or neo conservatism?

If so, what's your informed opinion on all that?

Otherwise, it's like I said. When he says something you agree with, it must be true, otherwise you ignore and overlook what he says.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster I disagree with many of Bolton's opinions, but he is entitled to his opinions, however distasteful. However, on issues of fact, I have not found him to be dishonest. So your point is invalid.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@windinhishair But do you actually know any of his opinions? Have you considered them?

Let's hear some informed rebuttals.

If you don't, then it's like I said.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster He has had many opinions on foreign policy in both Bush Administrations and going back to his service under Reagan. He's been very outspoken on them. But an opinion isn't a statement of fact. I think you are having difficulty differentiating between an opinion and statements of fact. Bolton wasn't stating an opinion when he reported that Trump didn't know Finland was a country and asking if it was part of Russia. That's factual, not an opinion. Your point is invalid with respect to factual information.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@windinhishair I don't think you are following. My point isn't about his credibility. It's about you and like minded people choosing to listen, absorb, and emphasize things he says when it suits your agenda and promotes your already existing opinion.

He has had many opinions on foreign policy in both Bush Administrations and going back to his service under Reagan. He's been very outspoken on them

Uh huh. But do you actually know any of these opinions? I mean, at this point you could google some stuff and regurgitate it here, but I think its telling that you made this bland, completely vanilla statement that reveals you really don't know much about him other than who he served.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster I've been following Bolton for 30 years. He's been an asshole for that entire period, so I do know his opinions that were made contemporaneously. But opinions are not facts. You seem to have a great deal of difficulty grasping this simple concept. I do have problems with his opinions. However, there is no reason to dispute a factual statement like "The president asked if Finland was part of Russia", or "Pompeo passed me a note saying Trump is full of shit". Those are factual statements, not opinions, and Bolton's factual statements indicate the president is in way over his head, and is in it only for himself.

Face it, sometimes people will repeat a factual statement because it is factual, not because it fits their political ideology.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@windinhishair Ugh, whatever windy. You aren't convincing me of any sort of knowledge about Bolton.

You keep coming back to the revelations in his book. I'm not speaking of that. I'm speaking about you, the original poster, and other indoctrinated people who are manipulated into caring about things when it fits your political worldview.

Let me give you some other examples:

John McCain in 2008. The left called him a racist, an old man, an out of touch fossil foisting Sara Palin on us.

John McCain in 2016: Now to the left he's a war hero and honorable civil servant who hates Trump.

James Comey in November 2016: Right wing scumbag who torpedoed Clinton's chance at President by publishing some less than flattering things about her right before the election.

James Comey in January 2017: Now he's an honorable civil servant doing the right thing by standing up to Trump.

Same people, but their political fortunes and usefulness to the left at the moment determine how you will think about them.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster I'm sorry that you can't accept the fact that some people like me followed politics closely before Trump. Your mind is made up and immovable.

You have great difficulty accepting that people do both good and bad things. That's a typical Republican/Conservative viewpoint. It is either black or white. Gray does not exist.

Let's take your two examples for instance. I never referred to McCain as a racist, nor did I think of him as one. In 2008 he was an honorable Senator and a war hero who was elderly and made a characteristically impulsive and poor choice of Sarah Palin as VP. He was the weaker of the two presidential candidates, and lost the election. McCain died an honorable Senator and war hero. I don't care if he (rightly) despised Trump or not. He was the same man when he died as he was in 2008. By the way, Goldwater was a nut case when he ran in 1964, but I never questioned his patriotism or doubted his passion for his beliefs. He was just unfit for office.

James Comey's letter helped Trump get elected, but I never called him a scumbag, nor did I question his motives. You do know that he didn't "publish less than flattering things about her right before the election", right? He did release a statement that the FBI was looking into additional Clinton emails. He also released a statement two days before the election that said that there were no additional emails, but the damage was done. I guess you forgot the facts when you were busy catering to your worldview. I disagreed with both Comey statements coming out how and when they did. When Comey refused to reject his oath of office and serve Trump alone in January 2017, he did exactly what he should have done. The FBI Director works for the citizens of the US, not the president. Comey made both good and bad decisions, but it has nothing to do with my political worldview.
JeanAnna · F
@SumKindaMunster Bolton has been a well respected conservative, was a consultant on Fox News..... but I guess it proves that Fox are all liars, you think.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@windinhishair You have a curious debating style. You seem to purposefully misinterpret the point, then take offense because of your misinterpretation.

I'm sorry that you can't accept the fact that some people like me followed politics closely before Trump. Your mind is made up and immovable.

I merely expressed skepticism due to your lackluster recital of Bolten's many theories and ideas that you couldn't rebut. My point here was to indicate you don't care about anything Bolten says or does until it suits your agenda.

You have great difficulty accepting that people do both good and bad things.

No, I don't have any difficulty accepting that, and never said anything to indicate that I do.

Let's take your two examples for instance

Ugh, here you would seem to purposefully believe that my 2 examples were specific to you, and not a general attitude displayed by
The left
which clearly belies what I wrote.

It's absurd to believe that I would be making these statements to you specifically based on what I wrote, but here we are.

Then, you took offense to my characterization and blathered on for 2 paragraphs explaining my mistake.

All of this is beside the point, which was, I have noted that in a general sense, "the left", tends to only care and/or believe what a conservative has to say about a particular matter when it suits their agenda or worldview. Otherwise, they overlook, ignore, or disregard anything else they say.

Thoughts? You agree? Why or why not?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster I see. So when you said:

When he says something you agree with, it must be true, otherwise you ignore and overlook what he says.

But do you actually know any of these opinions? I mean, at this point you could google some stuff and regurgitate it here, but I think its telling that you made this bland, completely vanilla statement that reveals you really don't know much about him other than who he served.

Same people, but their political fortunes and usefulness to the left at the moment determine how you will think about them.

And now you want me to believe that you weren't talking about me at all. Only the "left". You don't even know what you are saying any more. Your own posts contradict your last one. Face it--you made a claim that isn't supported by fact. It is nothing to be ashamed of. It happens to everyone.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@windinhishair 😂😂 Ok, nice try windy.

Nobody's that dense, i guess you just didn't feel like responding to me at face value.

I'll keep that in mind for any future interactions. 👋
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster I will keep in mind that you lie repeatedly and are intellectually dishonest for any future interactions.
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@windinhishair Uh huh. As if this is a new thing. That's how you treated me all along.

But yeah, if you need to pretend this is some sort of consequence to my behavior, you go right ahead and live in that delusion.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@SumKindaMunster This is just a reminder of your lack of intellect and inability to focus. Like a booster shot.