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Strap In For The Next Virus Phase!

Signs are pointing to the coming end of the virus crisis.
They're already talking about when and how to return to normalcy.
The dems of course are in a perpetual stage of rage,
And panicking over yet another Trump victory.
Trump did everything right and while we lost lives,
There are far fewer than dooms day dems originally predicted.

So, now what?
They can't, they won't allow this crisis end without spewing
More anger, making up more lies, predicting more doom.

We know some moves toward normal life are on the horizon.
Maybe they'll just open the doors of isolation and let us all out, all at once.
Maybe, they'll reopen in in stages. You know, let younger, healthier people out first - leaving older folks in quarantine for a while longer.
Maybe they'll let certain work groups out first.
Maybe, they'll decide to keep us all locked up a while longer - just to be safe.

I predict, WHATEVER Trump says - the dems will screech and wail that he is wrong - that he's targeting races, economic groups, favoring big business, blah, blah blah.

So, the question is, what do you think the upcoming return to normalcy will look like? When the invisible enemy is declared 'defeated', what will the dems complain about?

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Really dude, really? Thousands of people have died, and are still dying from this virus, and all you care about is some kind of "conspiracy" against Donald Trump to prevent him from being reelected.
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
@SW-User It's really fucking sad isn't it?
@MeowsoliniReturns It's totally ridiculous!
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User Good morning Rose! You're a good comrade!
Please, go down the hall, the last room on THE LEFT has an outfit selected for you.
MeowsoliniReturns · 51-55, F
@Budwick Oh of COURSE she cannot possibly have a different opinion from you. That "automatically" makes her a Commie. 🙄 By that logic, does that make YOU Hitler?
@Budwick You sir, are the most ignorant and uncaring bastard on this site. Please take the elevator down to hell.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User Rose - there's still an opportunity to run for president on the left. They're certainly not going into November with Joe or Bernie.

Your brand of disgust and rage is JUST what they are looking for!
@Budwick I don't even care about the election as of right now. I'm disgusted because you don't give a rat's ass that people are dying. It's always about left versus right to. It's every darn thing you ever even talk about. Nevermind that people can't even hold funerals for their own loved ones, or that there are infants being born with COVID-19.

@questionWeaver Same to you.
Budwick · 70-79, M
you don't give a rat's ass that people are dying.

Preposterous claims!
That's,.. wait, I'll get it, 49 from the leftist playbook. Right?
JeanAnna · F
@SW-User 👍️😊
@Budwick Okay you know what Budwick/Jackjjacksonjr, who or whatever you are, there is absolutely no hope for you. Zero, none. You are a clearly just a lost cause.
@JeanAnna What is with this guy? Everything is always about left versus right with him/it. I have never seen them talk about anything else on here 😆🤣.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User Well, then I'll get your hat and coat.
Don't let the door smack you in the ass on your way out!
Budwick · 70-79, M
I have never seen them talk about anything else on here
Then why are you surprised?

BTW - I do comment on other posts.
@Budwick Because I thought you would have at least some compassion but I guess that isn't possible for someone with no heart.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@SW-User Rose! I thought you left!
Of course I have compassion!
And, I have hope for better days!

Ya know why?
Cuz Trump has been doing a great job.
And no matter how many sad sacks I might run into - I know this gonna get better - sooner rather than later. And the economy and jobs will bounce back, even you might feel happy, and in November! We can start another 4 years!
JeanAnna · F
@SW-User They are haters of the left, and bow down to their master....trump. Sad isn't it. They can never say what good trump has done, but they sure diss what other administrations have done. I think they are scared to death Trump will get beat come November. Then watch the crap that will spew from their mouths then.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@JeanAnna Rose left, hours ago.

Trump's accomplishments are so many - to post them all would take a lot of room.

Here, go and check 'em out for yourself!