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Strap In For The Next Virus Phase!

Signs are pointing to the coming end of the virus crisis.
They're already talking about when and how to return to normalcy.
The dems of course are in a perpetual stage of rage,
And panicking over yet another Trump victory.
Trump did everything right and while we lost lives,
There are far fewer than dooms day dems originally predicted.

So, now what?
They can't, they won't allow this crisis end without spewing
More anger, making up more lies, predicting more doom.

We know some moves toward normal life are on the horizon.
Maybe they'll just open the doors of isolation and let us all out, all at once.
Maybe, they'll reopen in in stages. You know, let younger, healthier people out first - leaving older folks in quarantine for a while longer.
Maybe they'll let certain work groups out first.
Maybe, they'll decide to keep us all locked up a while longer - just to be safe.

I predict, WHATEVER Trump says - the dems will screech and wail that he is wrong - that he's targeting races, economic groups, favoring big business, blah, blah blah.

So, the question is, what do you think the upcoming return to normalcy will look like? When the invisible enemy is declared 'defeated', what will the dems complain about?

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Harmonium192351-55, M
I predict that the president could defend Nazis, sleep with porn stars, order children separated from their parents, use racist language in a daily basis, refuse medical assistance in a health crisis, preside over record unemployment, lie repeatedly about anything and everything, fire a military hero for protecting his sailors鈥攁nd still count on the support of evangelical Christians. That鈥檚 what I predict.
Budwick70-79, M
@Harmonium1923 Now THAT is a model leftist statement!
You have earned one of these lovely medals honoring your dedication to communist thought and action.
The Party will keep the medal you earned and distribute teeny bits to everyone - naturally not all of it, actually not even most it it - here have some government cheese.
@Budwick atta boy Bud! 馃嚭馃嚫馃槏
MeowsoliniReturns51-55, F
@Budwick Are you a 12 year old name caller? Wow.
Harmonium192351-55, M
@Budwick Which part did you disagree with? The statements of fact or the observation that it would not change support from evangelical Christians.

I should have added the comment that there doesn鈥檛 seem to be any shortage of Trump supporters who simultaneously rage against socialism and apply for unemployment benefits and cash stimulus checks.
Budwick70-79, M
2 year old name caller?

Oh come on Meow.
That's kind of weak, doncha think?
Remember, you are following in the footsteps of -
Budwick70-79, M
@Harmonium1923 Which part did you disagree with?

I predict that the president could defend Nazis, sleep with porn stars, order children separated from their parents, use racist language in a daily basis, refuse medical assistance in a health crisis, preside over record unemployment, lie repeatedly about anything and everything, fire a military hero for protecting his sailors
MeowsoliniReturns51-55, F
@Budwick So you ONLY defend your leader? Jesus. Are you you sure YOU aren't the Commie here?
Harmonium192351-55, M
@Budwick 馃槀馃槀馃槀 I appreciate the entertainment this morning. You鈥檒l have to share your alternative facts some time. It will be good entertainment for all of us. Maybe you can find some time between signing up for socialist Medicare, cashing your socialist stimulus check, spending your socialist Social Security check, and making fun of Democrats for being socialists.
MeowsoliniReturns51-55, F
@Harmonium1923 馃槅 BEST ANSWER, right here!
akindheart61-69, F
@Budwick i will send you my deplorable bumper sticker!! LOL. don't you love how this all got twisted?
Budwick70-79, M
@Harmonium1923 Harmon - I get it.
there's nothing real you could use against Trump and his magnificent work.
Next best thing - attack the MAGA hat.
room10151-55, M
@Budwick So you disagree with everything that is a matter of public record? Interesting.

Shame that you're too dumb to realise that you've just proved the point made by @Harmonium1923
Budwick70-79, M
@room101 EXCELLENT us of bombastic claims without specificity!
Your bitch SOUNDS so big and referencing public record sounds like you have have backup. It's perfect!

When in reality, the real public record is one that proves Trump victory after victory!
TRUMP 2020
room10151-55, M
@Budwick 馃槀馃槀馃槀

Yep, mad as a box of ferrets.
@questionWeaver @Budwick Trump 2020!!! 馃嚭馃嚫
Budwick70-79, M
@SW-User We're gonna win BIGLY!
@Budwick 馃槏
@Harmonium1923 And you would be right.
Budwick70-79, M
And you would be right.

Yeah, cuz he totally avoided all that political stuff! LOL
Harmonium192351-55, M
@Budwick I have good news for you. The first quarter stock market decline was the largest in the history of the stock market (fact). Recent weekly unemployment claims have been at all-time record levels (fact). And COVID deaths in the US are second only to Italy (fact). Your man is WINNING the first two and so close in the third.
Budwick70-79, M
@Harmonium1923 Harmonica - you may not have heard about a virus that shutdown the nations economy.

Trump is doping a stellar job in protecting US citizens. His actions, especially early on may have saved tens of thousands of lives.

The stock market and unemployment are course victims of the virus too. There's nothing anyone could have done any better than Trump.

Fortunately, the market and employment were at all time highs when the virus came along. That will help everyone weather the storm better than if say a president were to give up and claim that lost manufacturing was the new normal - and would need a magic wand to fix.

So, don't go there Lefty. This thing is drawing to a close. And when the country re-opens - stand back and watch in awe as the economy comes roaring back.
Harmonium192351-55, M
@Budwick I鈥檒l stick to facts and leave the name calling to you. Cheers.

But鈥攕incerely鈥攖hough we disagree on the president, I hope you and your family remain safe, healthy, and economically secure. Over and out. 馃槑