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ExCel Centre UK

The EcCel Centre better known as the Nightingale Hosptial built in 2 weeks in London.

Now the Army, the NHS and the other services who helped get this ready is a fantastic feet but why is it ALL open plan.

How are the Nurses and Doctors going to STOP taking the virus on thier uniforms?

Even though this is an amazing feet it just looks set up wrong to me.
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Yeah ever since they started all this the one thing that seems obvious is isolate each person with it.
So mass buildings filled with coronavirus sufferers doesn't sound much like a hospital. More like a hospice
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Picklebobble2 Yes or what I thought is the worse cases will go there to die.
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milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@ThePerfectUsername There is if there's cross contamination and if you have patients improving and then can recatch it

open plan is easier because its cheaper but not ideal when ALL patients and ALL nurses and ALL doctors are corss contaminating

it light if they had it here and they haven't, not even the tetsing of front line NHS staff, ONLY 2,000 NHS front line staff have been tested out of 500,000

The government here have been caught lying day after day over PPE, tests and ventelators!!!

Oh great at the end of the day so you will have about 10,000 NHS staff protenually infected, great and I was starting to feel sorry about your freind.
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Northwest · M
It doesn't make much of a difference. The medical professionals, are either protected, or they're not.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Northwest Well surly it does to each of the 4,000 patients!!!
Northwest · M
@milkymum1 Assumption is that the patients are already sick with the virus, and they thought it through and have enough spacing between the beds. So, the issue is how to keep the medical professionals safe, and in that case, if they don't have the proper gear, then it does not matter, whether it's one patient or 4,000.

Yes, it's going to be crowded, but these are uncharted waters. Probably similar to war scenarios. Certainly something we're not accustomed to.

In my area, we already converted a convention center into a big hospital, to treat standard conditions, to free hospital beds up for COVID-19.
milkymum1 · 36-40, F
@Northwest Yes they will already have it but they are meant to be there to get betterand IF they show signs or start to get better they COULD re-catch the virus.

Yes it is the issue and the ONLY way to keep them safe isn't just PPE but also having each patient in FULL idolation

Yes crowded so easy for teh virus to spread

The closest for me is London which is about 54 miles away

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