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If you break a law that you didn’t know was a law, should you be prosecuted to the full extent of the law?

eMortal · M
Lol I know a guy who got a DUI(driving under influence) while riding his horse on the beach. He was high.
eMortal · M
@perceptivei lol that's something the rest of us only learn when it happens to someone close.
perceptivei · 36-40, F
@eMortal Yeah. I had to learn firsthand.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@eMortal damn lol
I seem to spend my life living in a grey area, so I’m going to say no, not necessarily. Context is everything though.
perceptivei · 36-40, F
I don't know. I think it depends on what it is. It could be something silly. The average person breaks a few laws every day I've read, because we have so many laws that people aren't aware of.
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
@perceptivei I would drink more if i wasn't driving! That's why i love going on a cruise!
perceptivei · 36-40, F
@4thdimensiondream Yeah. That's why I drink at home.
perceptivei · 36-40, F
@4thdimensiondream it's just too easy to get in trouble when you're drinking in public.
edistoflyer · 46-50, M
"ignorantia non excusat legem."

Asking before doing is easy.
Ignorance is vast.

If a man uses another's automobile "not knowing" he didn't have permission to use the vehicle breaks traffic laws resulting in a collision with ensuing property damage, personal injury and death, should his aggregate of ignorances have any lessening impact on legal consequences? Absolutely not, don't you agree?
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@4thdimensiondream yikes. But was he in the cafe or just sitting outside it?
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
@iamnikki Not sure it was from 2007! Now most places have it PW protected anyway. Was just proving the point that some laws are silly and nobody would ever know its a law!
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@4thdimensiondream true, that one is silly
Prosecuted, probably, but generally, I think that's only one of many considerations for sentencing.
Ynotisay · M
Like they say, ignorance of the law is not a defense.
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
@Ynotisay wouldn’t you need to go to law school first?
Ynotisay · M
Ignorance of the law has never been a defence in UK to my knowledge.
@SW-User Nor is it a defense in the U.S.
Smart23 · 51-55, F
Depends on what type of law is being broken.
Where I live the local police officers don't enforce State traffic laws because the officers don't understand what the Montana State traffic laws mean, can't enforce laws that they don't understand.
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
@Smart23 This!
Smart23 · 51-55, F
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
@Smart23 Meaning i agree with what you wrote.
Ignorance of the law is no excuse, I've heard that many many times but the government doesn't do all they can to tell of laws changing or new laws, I don't think a person should be in my opinion. On the other hand everyone would be saying they didn't know the laws for everything and it would be chaos,
Yes. Because ignorance isn’t an excuse. You need to make it your business to know if something is legal before you do it.
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
@SirenCalledLuce I know that too but didn’t know if it’s an actual law. That was just an example. Thanks.
iamnikki · 31-35, F
@4thdimensiondream I don't know if it's a law either but I don't do it because it could cause an accident, as stated above. Also like I stated, lots of laws are common sense. Most people don't have that though so..😆
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Yes. Because ignorance isn’t an excuse. You need to make it your business to know if something is legal before you do it.

Then you'd better never sing on a beach in FLORIDA while wearing a bikini.

Because that's against the law.

Although it's LEGAL to sing on the beach so long as you are NAKED.

Of course, being NAKED on the beach may or may not be against the law.

Please note that in some places in FLORIDA, it is ILLEGAL to be NAKED on a desiginated NUDE beach.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Thanks to the leftist fascists democrats in NY, you can break the law 139 times and never be stopped, because bail to them is now obsolete.
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Smart23 · 51-55, F
In Hamilton, MT I know that the police don't enforce State traffic laws because the police officers don't understand the laws. Sad but true.
Pfuzylogic · M
If you haven’t had any previous court appearance on other offenses the court should give you a break and just fine you, unless it is a felony.
TexChik · F
Absolutely ... ignorance of the law is no excuse . If it’s a non violent misdemeanor and you are convincing the judge will let it skate
UserNameSW · 46-50, M
Yes, ignorance of the law is not an excuse.

Sentencing may be lighter based on intent.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
@SweetMae I’ve gotten that response from many. Just make sure you don’t get drunk in any Alaskan bars Mae!
iamnikki · 31-35, F
Yes. Lot of them are common sense so...
REMsleep · 41-45, F
Yes but normally your ignorance would be taken into consideration along with the question of how reasonable was it for you not to have known that law.
4thdimensiondream · 61-69, M
@REMsleep perfect!
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