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revenant · F
conservatives are more rooted in reality whereas libs nowadays believe in utopia
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@QuixoticSoul It wouldn't suprise me that in 80 years, if this binairy vieuw with certain conservatives persist, Trump will be a liberal. Then he can play cards with Hitler, the Japanese Emperor and Musolini. 😅

I can see the youtube videos already from Ben Shapiro Jr. telling us how he kept Obama Care in place and grew the governement, just like those other fashist liberals.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
@Kwek00 Ben Shapiro is already essentially an anti-Trump conservative who likes some of Trumps conservative policies, while deriding his lack of conservative (or any) philosophy.

So really, that would be a small step for him.
Kwek00 · 41-45, M
@QuixoticSoul Well, he's only not a trump supporter, because it's not his type of conservative. But he also dares to put his enemies on the left side of the bracket to keep the label conservative as "pure" as possible. It's ridiculous, this idea that he's the real conservative.

JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M Best Comment
Are we talking politics? Or mindset? Politically, I'm not sure that anyone could tell the difference other than self-anointed liberals vote for Democrats and self-annointed conservatives vote for Republicans.

If we are talking about mind-set, it boils down to tradition vs adaptation.

A conservative mindset tends to default to tradition and status quo.
- Don't fix it if it's not broken
- If it's broken, when did it break and how did it work before it was broken?
- We used to live in Utopia. Let's go back there.

A liberal mindset tends to default on learning new things and challenging convention.
- Nothing is perfect
- There's always room for improvement
- Utopia is out there, we just need to get rid of the old way of thinking.

Very few people, when they are being honest, are only liberal or only conservative. Most people are some kind of blend.

Human nature is to hold onto known things. So, many conservative perspectives resonate with everyone.

Humans also tend to strive for something better. Parents tend to want life to be better for their children than they had for themselves. By definition, that requires change.

While nothing is universal, here are some typical patterns

"Conservatives" tend to be people who grew up protected:
- people who were born into wealthy families
- people who come from stable families and stable communities
- people who follow strict religion

"Liberals" tend to be people who have been challenged:
- people who are highly educated, particularly those who are first or second generation college educated
- people from repressed groups: minorities, LGBT+, etc
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
@Alifeinterrupted Worth noting that both @puck61 and @QuixoticSoul posted descriptions that are thematically similar to mine.
Alifeinterrupted · 26-30, F
@JoeyFoxx honestly was just going through and saw yours and was amazed by the way you really broke down and presented it from two sides..All the responses here were amazing and from an outsider looking in..Sure Learned a lot.

Thanks all!
Peapod · 61-69, F
@JoeyFoxx, I thought this was outstanding too.
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Doomflower · 36-40, M
@MalteseFalconPunch that's a good way of looking at it.
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True liberals are cooperative and symbiotic with conservatives. The people who call themselves "liberals" today have a naive and childish view of the world because they were raised poorly. They applaud irresponsibility and celebrate immorality. They promote weakness and shame, and vie for a system wherein they are controlled and cared for by the government.
True conservatives are cooperative and symbiotic with liberals. Many people who call themselves "conservatives" today are simply elitists who use demagoguery to rile up their constituents who can't function without a 'bogey man' to fear and hate.
JoeyFoxx · 51-55, M
@puck61 I don't often agree with you... but, I can't argue with this. I might not use the same imagery, but in principle, I agree.
QuixoticSoul · 41-45, M
The level of fear, mostly. Conservatives are much more fear-driven - the level of fear a child displays on the playground is still the best predictor of future political beliefs we have come across.

This isn’t a put-down, fear is often rational, it keeps us alive, and we need that sort of variation to create a robust society - neither irrationally complacent nor irrationally xenophobic.

But because most people are fucking retarded, most liberals and conservatives are fucking stupid.
RayKyler · 22-25, F
Conservatives tend to favor tradition, though not quite as completely as fundamentalists. They typically favor human action over government intervention and want government to be based on universal principles.
Liberals value equality and want the government to be the primary agent of achieving social justice
IndridCold · 46-50, M
There isn't actually. They're just two sides of the same coin fighting over the coin.

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