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Another day another lie

At his rally Pres.Trump said negotiating deals isnt easy.
Yet just in March of 2016 he said it was so easy.
Why cant he just tell the truth...and our 401k's...well I dont need him for another 4 yrs to keep mine. Recession is possibly coming. He cant take credit for good economy is under his watch as Pres. so yes it would be his fault
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JeanAnna · F Best Comment
Trump doesn't know how to tell the truth. He said he would do something about background checks...and now he's backing down. He doesn't care how many people get killed as long as the NRA supports him. He's lying about the tariffs, they are hurting people, especially the farmers. He brags about the economy, and fails to say that when Obama left office the economy was doing well and Trump inherited it from Obama. He sides with Putin instead of Coats....and now Coats has left his staff. He's mad at Fox because their poll shows him being beaten by Biden. He sides with the white supremists. He's a racist and bullies anyone who disagrees with him.

People need to wake up to this corrupt person before it's too late.
@JeanAnna Indeed.
JeanAnna · F

I'm not sure he even can tell the truth at this point.

It's kind of ironic that he's run out of even semi reliable spokespeople and staff. Now, if we get attacked, Kelly Conway will have to probably try and convince more than half of the country that Trump's statement to that effect isn't "truthful hyperbole."

Oh wait, the guy who Trump paid to disguise his lies by inventing the term crossed Trump, so now, it's fake, right?

Damn.. if I can't keep track of the little I know of the Bs from Trump, do you think he can?
KatieT01 · 36-40, F
@MistyCee just dont listen to the media
@KatieT01 And listen to what, if anything?
Sunday, 8/18/2019, Berkeley Heights, NJ (AP)
Trump speaking to reporters.
"I don't think we are having a recession, we're doing tremendously well, our consumers are rich. I gave a tremendous tax cut and they're loaded up with money."
@softspokenman As I think you know, I think Trump is fake. The rest flows from that.

It does sound like he's panicked a bit, which I suspect is due more to the polls and his lack of control than with signs of a recession that everyone seems to have predicted.

He's at the point now where he should be able to at least not run from his record, if not on it, but all he's got is a shaky economy, judges,and a tax break that didn't help his base.

He needs something more than toxic xenophobia , 4th grade swagger and Hillary to get reelected, and my guess is, he hasn't figured out yet what snake oil to try next yet.

I'm sure we'll have an assortment of nasty tasting ones soon enough.
@MistyCee I don't know what to say, is he mentally unstable, does he actually believe what he says, does the GOP, does his family? 🤷‍♂️

As to belief, I'm sure GOP leadership doesn't believe him and questions his mental stability all the time behind closed doors.

Who knows what his family believes. Trump doesn't seem to have changed appreciably, and my guess is that they still use whatever coping mechanisms they've developed to deal with before. I doubt he's a wonderful father or husband in many ways, but he's been a good provider, and it's not like they haven't had to deal with him all their lives.

My guess is, like Trump himself likely has, they've learned to accept the idea that there's nothing wrong with anything you do if you can get away with it, while he's got a miserable reputation with a lot of people, he's good at getting away with stuff.

I'm not even going to try to diagnose him for the very qualities that got him to the Presidency and which seem to be tolerated, if not admired by millions, but I doubt he's really any less stable and might even be more so than other Presidents who would have conflicting priorities or ethical and moral concerns about their own conduct.
coary987 · M
Would you prefer the dems in for the next 4 years in 2020?
coary987 · M
@StevexStephie you can't care much about your country I think.
Well everyone to there own thing I guess.
StevexStephie · 70-79
I care far more than you could possibly understand. Let’s leave it at that. @coary987
JeanAnna · F
@coary987 Yes. Now he's claiming he's the "chosen one". Comparing himself to God.
Penny · 46-50, F
idk, economy was doing good and people said, oh it's not cause of Trump alone. economy starts doing bad it probably will be the same thing. what do you think about the tarriffs hes imposing? think they are having a negative impact? maybe the cause of the possible recession? idk. just thoughts. i am not much of an economist.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Penny I dont claim any party...I vote for the person I feel will do the best job. Right now in my family I know of 8 that are voting against Trump...and they all voted for him the last time.
Penny · 46-50, F
@PTCdresser57 same here. i voted for Trump but it was a lesser evil kind of vote, plus Republican which I think was needed at the time
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
When he first came out he was running I was all for him...until...he said Mexico was gonna pay for his wall. Then I said oops...not for him!
ReneeT · 61-69, F
He took credit for building a plant outside of Pittsburgh that was started 3 years before he became president. The guy just can't help himself. He said 2 years ago that the biggest tax cuts are coming for the middle class is coming soon. In the words of Morrissey, "How soon is now?"
ReneeT · 61-69, F
I will never be too easy on this guy. He sees himself as a god figure. @MistyCee
@ReneeT I guess that explains why it's ok for him to grab pussy?

I just wish I could get a Trump evangelical to explain stuff like that publicly.
ReneeT · 61-69, F
@MistyCee I wish I could too. But I'll bet most of them are the same way but don't want to brag about it. They are all such hypocrites.
Sicarium · 46-50, M
Keep those fingers crossed, maybe you'll get the recession you so desperately want. You and Bill Maher can celebrate together.

TDS, not even once.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
Sicarium..obviously you didnt read my post. I said a "possible" recession. Dont want or need one right now.
Thanks for the BA!
KatieT01 · 36-40, F
But hescdoing it and making it look easy ♥️
BobbieNJ · 80-89, M
All you anti-Trumpers - is there one of you with the courage to start a thread about Biden's lies, misdeeds, screw ups, and the pain his policies are bringing to so many people.
@BobbieNJ How long did it take you to search for and find this post?
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