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What is your opinion of the Epstein Suicide?

If there was criminal activity, it seems like they would still pursue that activity, not drop everything and let his accusers take their matter to civil court.
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firefall · 61-69, M
9/10 it wasnt suicide
0/10 chance that that will be investigated in any rigorous fashion
-10/10 chance of being told the truth about it.
samanthasmokes · 36-40, F
Well, the folks who partied with Epstein and enjoyed the perks ... they can continue claiming their only connection to Epstein was his annual charity to support the Girl Scouts of America.
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DoubleRings · 51-55, F
Hmmm i see what you’re saying good point. @RippinKlouds
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@RippinKlouds The criminal activity was the evidence to indict Epstein for was human trafficking, prostitution of minors. Those with the wealth and power to kill him in prison need to pay their dues as well. As far as conspiracies go, there are way more suicides associated with a connection to the Clintons than there are for the average person.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
im pretty pissed off this happened actually. The one time we get our hands on a douche like that and he is “allowed” to get away with it. I was very interested in what he had to say for himself.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
well we will never know now. @Roadsterrider
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@DoubleRings The evidence is there, flight logs, passenger manifests, they only have to crack one of them, then the whole house of cards comes down.
DoubleRings · 51-55, F
nah. they will call each other liars - it won’t be that easy. @Roadsterrider
It will save the tax payers a whole lot of money. Attorneys are upset because they were lining up to defend him!
DonHobag · M
People should still be able to file their claims against his estate
Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@DonHobag I feel that they should be able to file claims against the estate as well, but I would also like to see the guilty bastards that participated pay their dues as well.
Peaches · F
There are too many men in power involved, that's why he was killed so he couldn't roll over on them. Sad thing is there are too many just like Epstein out there.😔
Renikari · F
Couldn't care less. Like it makes any difference either way.
the world is a better place
@butterflymind1 They can but it just makes things harder now that's head and he was never actually tried and convicted.
Another opportunity for conspiracy theories. And deflection from the White House, since the POTUS is at the forefront of those retweeting them instead of behaving like a leader whose country needs him. 😒
firefall · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard funny really, seeing Trump would have to be close to the top of any list of suspects
@firefall That’s what makes his desperate finger pointing so ludicrous.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
He was listening to this when he died:
Subalugirl · 22-25, F
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Roadsterrider · 56-60, M
@RippinKlouds My Epstein was charged with making available underage girls for sex. He was trafficking humans to be used for sex. There were plenty of allegations of sexual impropriety with minors but we never got to see him in court. If he didn't have sex with minors himself, he was abetting those who did and providing the young girls and the place.

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