I'm with Cherokee Patti: A Constitutional Republic, just as the founders of 1787, as exemplified by the conversation between Benjamin Franklin and one of Philadelphia's socialites: "Well, Dr. Franklin, what have you given us?" "A republic, Madam, if you can keep it."
We've slowly but inexorably abdicated it to people who don't want us to keep it.
@puck61 I have fantasies of living in the middle of the woods somewhere, off-grid and as self-sufficient as possible. It would be a lot of work, but more comforting in a way.
As a Christian I wait for a theocratic dictatorship, but anything less than the theocratic dictatorship we wait for, would have to be a flawed democracy.
My dictatorship would use empiracle data to set policy. The conservatives wiykd self poop to death while things got better for everyone except the super rich.