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i wish i could be an ancom but i just don't have that kind of faith in humanity

sorry ancom friends. i wish it could be but unfortunately people are the absolute worst.
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Actually, people are inherently wonderful. They've been duped into thinking and behaving the way they do by the criminals who run the planet. We've all been victimized.
clooo · 22-25, T
@PhoenixPhail i don't think so. just on a basic evolutionary level, wonderfulness is not a quality that's been particularly advantageous until far too recently for it to have been naturally selected for (and arguably still isn't advantageous). and on a more personal level, i've seen far too much bigotry and hatred in the world to believe in innate wonderfulness.
@clooo I see a lot of bigotry and hatred in the world, too. But it's all conditioned behavior. The factions which have set up and run our social systems and governments, see to it that people are constantly turned against each other. Their motto is, "divide and conquer."

We've got to wake up and get wise to their ploys. Many people are now awakening and seeing we're all alike - seeing the conspiracy, seeing the boundaries which have been placed among peoples, countries, ethnicities, religions, which are being used to keep people detached from themselves and each other.

Our natural essence of love for our fellow man will emerge, given the chance. It starts with the individual. I'm giving it a chance in myself. I invite others to give themselves the same chance, starting with seeing the truths of this world, of how the activities of the architects of the power structure have molded us into what they need to maintain their control over us.

People are inherently decent, kind, compassionate and loving.
Those qualities which would bring us together have been obscured by beliefs instill in us by our owners. The effects of the indoctrination machinery are so prevalent, they're invisible. Once made visible and dealt with reasonably and responsibly, humanity will emerge and flourish.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Don't think about it like faith in fellow humans, think about it like everyone realizing we're all capable of being dicks so we need to keep each other in line. Otherwise you could have one person in charge who is just the worst.
clooo · 22-25, T
@CountScrofula yeah but i don't have faith in everybody realising that, and for lots of people one crap person in charge is just easier than actually having a single good idea, and i don't think they can really be convinced. :(
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@clooo Well it's not about people just realizing things it's about organizing and building capacity in small ways that can grow.

I'm less about changing the world than I am about changing my workplace or town - small things I can affect. Otherwise it's too big and awful to think about. I can apply anarchist principles in how I live my life and I think that makes me happier and gives me goals. And importantly - they do work. But because it's such a different way of thinking thre's a lot of effort to get there.

You don't have to agree though, my wife is super left but not really an anarchist for the same reasons as you.
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MethDozer · M
Same by and large. I take a more minarchist type approach. My feelings is if a policy doesn't help people as a whole in removing obstacles of choice and freedoms then it isn't justified. Some would call me a moderate, but I'm not really. There is a hardline stance in reality if one chooses to connect the dots.

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