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What happens with the Left, Corporate America and Trump urging the Fed to keep the gas pedal floored on money printing?

Not only do the Left and Corporate America agree on the Cultural Marxist agenda -- they both want the money printing machine in the basement of the Eccles building to keep running on overdrive.
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basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
You do realize Marxism wants to do away in entirely with corporations, right? I mean, leftists refer to socialists, anarchists and communists. All the above want to stop private ownership entirely, hence no corporations.
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow ironically many of his positions align with white supremacy.
@basilfawlty89 That was what I was pointing out which apparently magically makes me a skinhead.
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
Obama's quantitative easing destroyed this nation. He nearly doubled the national debt, at a zero interest rate to boot.

What did Obama achieve with nearly ten trillion dollars in accumulated debt? Where did that money go, where was the infrastructure he promised?
monte3 · 70-79, M
Ok why was taking action to solve a problem cowardly? And in the name of all that is sane, how is giving a tax cut to yourself and the 10% brave?
Budwick · 70-79, M
taking action to solve a problem cowardly

They were inactive.
They paid off the ones that caused the problem!

Giving a tax cut to virtually everyone worked - even though 'leading economists' said it was lunacy.
monte3 · 70-79, M
@Budwick I thought deficits were bad? Only for Democrats I guess. They were NOT inactive they, and even more the Fed, took steps.
Got to love another completely irrelevant reference to cultural Marxism which is catch all for everything the right doesn't like especially if it has nothing to do with the term. But the consensus on quantitative easing is that the capitalist brain trust has no idea what to do other than prolonging the inevitable.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow I realize that "Frankfurter School" has been tossed around by those who do not understand it. But the "right wing conspiracy" bit has worn pretty thin since Hillary started tossing it around thirty years ago.

I have tried to treat you respectfully and intelligently. I am once again disappointed.
@beckychandler The Clintons are right wing hawks. US mainstream politics has no left. And Russiagate proves Hillary Clinton has no problem floating a conspiracy theory for her own ends so that hardly means anything. My point is you can't back your claim with anything but conjecture.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow What is my "theory"? I did not say there is an alliance between the left and Corporate America -- their motive is profit not ideology. But in the process they have been doing the work of the left -- civilizational destruction -- whether it is over flooding the economy with money or undermining institutions.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
The American economy is increasingly turning inward, which is cant afford to do. This way lies Venezuela. The crunch will come when the $US is seen as not solid enough to be the worlds trade currency and China is pushing that agenda now.
For those of you who dont get it, that means America will have to BUY someone elses money on the open market to pay back the $25 TRILLION plus you already owe the rest of the world. NOT just print it. On that day, America is finished as a major power and China will win WW3, which it has been waging for over a decade and winning comprehensively.
monte3 · 70-79, M
Looking at the data in the last issue of The Economist the China is down 6.3% against the dollar. If they are trying to destroy the dollar it isn’t going well.@whowasthatmaskedman
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@monte3 China has a history of deliberately depressing its currency against the $US to take business out of America into china. So American businesses suffer. Being a centralised economy they can control exchange rates. interest rates and internal infrastructure builds in line with their wishes. Plus their "foreign aid "one belt, one road" program uses Chinese material and labour to promote a pro govt agenda in the Outside world that is buying them global influence directly. So I would say they are right on target.
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@FrankietheFly oh my gosh -- I misspelled "Pedal" is what this is all about . So very very sorry. I corrected it.
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